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Elena held Eri in her arms as Eri played with a piece of her hair. "Huh, where's Midoriya?" Aizawa asked, looking around. "Why's it taking him this long to do a little shopping?" Sero complained as Elena kissed Eri's temple.

"Maybe he got in trouble?" Elena asked, looking at Aizawa. Eri looked at Elena with worry. "Is Mr. Deku okay?" She asked, her eyes glistening. Elena pouted. "Deku is just going shopping. I'm sure he's fine. He's just having a little trouble on the way." Elena said, smiling gently at the poor girl. Eri nodded and leaned her head against Elena's chest as Katsuki wrapped his arms around Elena, looking at Eri over her shoulder.

Aizawa couldn't help but look at the couple, finding them kind of adorable. "Alright, everyone get ready. We're starting soon!" Iida said as Elena went up to Aizawa. "Deku will be here soon." Elena reassured and handed her to Aizawa. Aizawa nodded at Elena before giving her a small hug and kissing her head. "Have fun." He said and walked back with Mirio and Eri.

Elena smiled and waved them off before turning to Katsuki. "Where'd that stupid Deku turn off to?" Katsuki asked, looking at her. Elena shrugged. "I've got no idea. But you have to put on your shirt!" Elena said, pouting at him and in an isntant, Denki did a back attack and put the shirt on him while Elena restrained him.

Elena smiled at him and kissed his cheek before she walked away to check the crowd. "Oh my- holy shit there's a lot of people!" Elena said, a shiver running up her spine. Katsuki grabbed her hand and walked back with her to where his drum set was. "Don't get nervous, damnit. We're gonna kill them, remember?" Katsuki asked, smirking. Elena smiled and nodded in agreement before she got a kiss to her cheek.

"Aoyama? Where is Deku?" Uraraka asked him, looking at him. "Fine time for him to blow us off!" Mineta whined as Aoyama sighed. Elena stood with her guitar in her hands, ready for the curtains to open up. It was one minute before start, and she was feeling small nerves crawling in.

Katsuki looked at her and gave her a small thumbs up, making every single nerve in her body calm down as she smiled at him. "O-oh! It's starting!" Some people said.

"C'mon first years!" Someone cheered. "Yaoyorozu!" Someone yelled, making Elena perk up before an irk mark appeared on her forehead. Izuku appeared, just in time with the dancers. Elena held her guitar firmly as she smiled, knowing Katsuki was going to start the whole thing. "Let's do this damnit! We'll grab a hold of U.A...and kill them with music!!" Katsuki yelled before he sent of a huge explosion as the music started. Elena began playing effortlessly as people cheered.

Katsuki hit the drums with ease only to glance at Elena in front of him. The way she played so effortlessly made him mesmerized before a smirk appeared on his face and he began focusing on the play. Elena watched the people in the crowd, specifically those who doubted them, get blown away by the music.

Elena's eyes landed on Eri who'm looked at the scene in mesmerization. She smiled as her fingers drew over the next few strings. Elena smiled knowing Izuku and Aoyama had a special surprise for Eri as they danced in exact sync.

Suddenly Izuku grabbed Aoyama and tossed him into the air as light splattered out everywhere, like a firecracker. Ojiro was quick to grab him and put him quickly down onto the stage. Izuku walked behind stage and gave Eri a thumbs up.

As the drop beat, tape flew everywhere, along with ice that glimmered as Katsuki sent off another explosion. Suddenly Aoyama appeared in a rope as he flew around like a disco ball. "Here's the hook, you doofs! Knock em' dead!" Katsuki yelled before hitting another explosion.

"Who wants to have some fun?!" Uraraka asked as she floated in the air, being held by Tsuyu. "Put your hands up!" Uraraka said as she touched people's hands, making them float.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎 - 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨 𝐱 𝐎𝐂Where stories live. Discover now