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After their fourth period, they began chatting about the sports festival. Seeing at it was finally lunch Elena had already told Shinso that she'd be sitting with her classmates.

She waited for her friends to get up and walk to lunch, but she overheard some of the boys. "This has got me so freaking pumped!" Kirishima said enthusiastically as he balled his hands into fists. "If we show our stuff here, that'll be one big step towards going pro!" Sero said, cheering.

Elena approached Midoriya, seeing as Iida was talking to him.

"Everyone's so excited.." Midoriya mumbled. "And you aren't? This is our chance to add our names to the ranks of heroes! Of course we're in high spirits!" Iida said, looking oddly excited. Elena slightly chuckled. A genuine small laugh escaped her lips.

"You got a funny way of showing it Iida..." Tsuyu commented. "Yeah I get that but..." Midoriya began.

"Deku...Iida...Yuuji...At this sports festival...Let's do our best!" Uraraka said with a scary look on her face. Elena backed of a bit, seeing as her aura was oddly evil, high with pride and evil.

"What happened to your face Uraraka?!" Midoriya asked in panic.

"What the, you're not looking very Uraraka..Uraraka." Mina said, earning the agreeing of Elena. "Maybe it's that time-" Mineta began. Only to get slapped by Tsuyu.

Elena gagged. 'Her tongue touched his squeaky, pervy face!' She thought in disgust at the sight.

"Everyone!! I'm going to crush this!!" Uraraka said with her fist in the air as she yelled. Elena backed away a little to go to lunch, only to get bumped into someone.

She looked behind her, only to see Bakugo standing there in his glory. "Oh sorry. I didn't see you there, Pomeranian!" Elena said with a bright smile. Bakugo growled, literal smoke coming out of his ears. "Tchoo, tchoo! Beware of Thomas the train!" Elena said and laughed as she began running. "Hey wait up!" Midoriya said along with Uraraka and Iida.

Elena quickly ran out of the classroom. She stood outside of the classroom as Midoriya and her friends came outside. "Let's go." Elena told them and smirked. "Come to think of it. Why did you want to be a hero, Uraraka?" Midoriya asked her.

"Ah...Money.." Uraraka muttered. Elena snorted at the response, but she still respected her for it. However it wasn't exactly hero-like. "You want to be a hero because of Money?!" Iida and Midoriya asked in sync.

"Ultimately, yes.. Sorry...I know it seems basic. And really embarrassing considering Iida's noble motivations and all..." Uraraka began, blushing in embarrassment.

"But why? There's nothing wrong with seeking a more comfortable lifestyle!" Iida responded while fiddling his arms in the air.

"Yeah, just unexpected..." Midoriya mumbled.

"My family runs a construction company. But business is bad. We're poorer than poor. Don't mention that to anyone..okay?" Uraraka told them. They all nodded. "Construction?" Iida asked.

"If you got allowed to use it, wouldn't your quirk help cut the costs?" Midoriya asked her.

"I mean, not only would it help them, but you could practice strengthening your quirk too." Elena suggested.

"Right?! That's what I said to my dad back then!" Uraraka bickered.

"However my parents wanted me to use my quirk for better and make my own dreams come true. They told me that when the day comes and I become a great hero, I can take them to a vacation. So that's why I'm going to be a hero! I'll make that money so my mom and dad can have easier lives!" Uraraka said in determination.

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