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Elena walked alone to class the next day after Katsuki had left to go to his dorm in the morning. She was still tired as hell, but she didn't have any nightmares, and it made her happy. However, she did have a hard time sleeping the other few days, she just hoped it wasn't too obvious.

She yawned as she heard a voice behind her. "Yuuji." Todoroki said, approaching her. "Hi Todoroki. How are you?" She asked, smiling. "I'm okay. Did you sleep well? You were tired yesterday." He said, looking at her. "Ah, yeah. I did. Better than usual atleast." She said, looking at him curiously. "Is there anything you wanted?" She asked, wondering why he would suddenly talk to her.

"Not really. I was just bored." He said. Elena nodded as they kept walking in a comfortable silence to school. "The things you do for the class, is very nice of you. You try and make them happy all the time. But I also notice, that you're not very happy yourself." He said suddenly, making Elena look at him in shock.

"I'm happy. Katsuki makes me very happy. Sure, school stresses me out, but I am pretty happy." She lied. She was happy, on occasions. But when she was alone, she felt lonely and sad. Then there was the nights. She couldn't stand them, because when she was alone, she thought of all kinds of things.

Todoroki nodded before they reached the doors of the classroom. As they went to their seats, the class soon began forming and arriving. Elena actually missed her spot in class, even though she hates sitting in front, she liked the classroom, a lot.

When Aizawa walked into the room, he immediately began talking. "I believe I mentioned this yesterday, but for now, Class 1A of the hero course will be focusing on getting their provisional licenses." Aizawa said, making everyone say a "Yes Sir!" In sync.

"A hero license bears with it the great responsibility of human life. Of course, the exam to receive one if very difficult. Even the provisional license has only a 50% passing rate each year." He explained, making some people shiver, however Katsuki, Todoroki and Elena stayed confident.

"Just the provisional license is that hard?" Mineta asked. "That's why today, we will have each of you come up with at least two ultimate moves!" Aizawa explained as the door to the classroom opened to reveal Cementoss, Ectoplasm and Midnight.

"Ultimate moves?!" Some chanted, getting overly excited. Just as Aizawa said it, Elena began thinking. "It's like a real school thing and yet it's like a super normal hero thing!" Kirishima, Sero, Denki and Mina said.

Elena looked at them, frustrated. She didn't know what to do as a move. She ignored the words of her teachers and thought about a move she could do. Even if she had so many quirks, in one, she couldn't think of one. "We will tell you more as we go along. We want to proceed logically. Change into your costumes and meet me in Gym Gamma."


Elena sighed, walking with Katsuki towards the gym, having her suit on. Katsuki held her from the side, and had his hand on her hip. "Are you okay?" He asked, looking at her. Elena shook her head. "I don't know. I have no idea what move I'm gonna do!" She said and sighed.

"Hm, try and combine different techniques, or those abilities of yours and create something with them.." He said, making Elena begin to think more. "I'll see what I come up with." She smiled.

As they entered the gym, Aizawa stood proudly infront of them. "Gym Gamma, also known as Training Dining Land, or TDL." Elena listened to them here and there, but all she knew was that getting a move was important. Aizawa had noticed her zoning out a couple of times, but decided not to question it due to her own thoughts probably putting a toll on her. He'd explain to her individually.

Only when Cementoss began building mountains of cement, was when Elena snapped back to reality. Ectoplasm was placed out on every hill, making Elena wonder what the hell they were doing.

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