One Shot <3

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Reminder that this doesn't affect the story in any way. And Katsuki & Elena are together here and are in their second year.

This chapter might be a little triggering for some audiences. I am in a very tired mood and I didn't know what to write. This came to mind and I wanted some comforting Bakugo in this chapter. Keep in mind that this doesn't affect the story, and it isn't a part of sumn that will happen in the future. <3


Katsuki knocked on her dorm door, he kept in kind that Elena might be asleep, considering she wasn't even joining the class Pizza night.

"Hey, are you awake?" He asked, keeping his voice firm, but low. He heard ruffling in the room before he knocked again.

"I'm coming." Elena said, her voice sounding raspy and low. Katsuki stood there, in his sweatpants and a plain white shirt, waiting for Elena to probably get dressed. After awhile the door opened and revealed Elena, standing there, staring down at the floor.

"Come in." Elena said and walked in, going to sit on her bed. Katsuki immediately noticed her sad state as she sat down on the bed, looking down while her hands were in her lap.

"Hey, you okay?" Katsuki asked, crouching down in front of her to hold her hands. He warmed up his own hands a little, noticing that hers were cold. "I-I'm fine.." Elena said, her voice really raspy. Once Elena finally looked up, Katsuki noticed that her eyes were a little puffy and red.

He immediately grabbed her cheek and made her bend down to look at him. "You're not fine. What happened?" He asked, looking at her in worry. Elena shook her head before she looked down again.

Katsuki noticed tears spilling from her face. He sighed before he grabbed her softly by her shoulders to pick her up a little and lay down in the bed.

He kept her close to his body while she sniffled. "You don't have to tell me. Just know I'm here for you, okay?" Katsuki asked, reassuring her as his palm circled on her back. He heard Elena begin whimpering even more as she gripped his shirt with her hands tightly.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry Kat.." Elena mumbled. Katsuki shifted and looked at her. "What're you sorry for? I'm not mad at you..." Katsuki said with a slight smirk as he lifted his left eyebrow. Elena didn't respond, instead she began hyperventilating as more tears filled her eyes.

Katsuki got more serious as he sat up in the bed with her. He looked at her and grabbed her shoulders, shaking her a little. "Hey, dumbass. Calm down...come on, I'm here. Breathe, okay? Breathe with me." Katsuki said, pulling her head to his chest, having her listen to his heart beating. "Okay, come on. Breathe in..." Katsuki began.

"And out.." Katsuki continued as he breathed with her. This continued for a few more seconds before Elena finally began breathing normally. Katsuki sat up and looked at her. He checked her, made sure she was okay. "Thank you.." Elena said quietly as she held his hand. "Will you tell me what's wrong?" Katsuki asked.

Elena stayed quiet for awhile, before she looked at him with more tears in her eyes. "I-I can't.." Elena said, holding her arm. She was wearing one of Katsuki's oversized merch that Mitsuki had made for Katsuki, in which Elena had stolen about a year ago.

Katsuki noticed the way she was holding her arm as is she was protecting it, yet hiding it. He looked between her eyes and her arm before he grabbed her upper arm and held her arm up to him.

He softly pulled up the sleeve to reveal a couple of fresh scars. He looked at her as she began sobbing even more. Katsuki sighed before he pulled her shoulders and pressed her against his chest. "It's fine...listen! It's okay. Don't cry, okay? I'll help bandage you up..." Katsuki said, not knowing exactly what to say in that situation. He had experienced it before with Elena.

He knew she did it because of the past she had. She hated- no, despised her body after how her parents had treated her, her whole life. She hated it so much she just wanted it to disappear and found a way to get relief by doing self harm.

Katsuki reached out to her drawer and pulled out a roll of bandages. He looked at her as she hung her head low. "Hey, don't worry about it. Okay? I love you, no matter how you look, or what you do. Either-way you're the most beautiful girl I've ever come across, and nothing will change that." Katsuki said as he sat down behind her, laying her back against his chest and held her forearm carefully.

As he began bandaging her arm, he looked at her. Elena was stuck in a trance, staring at her arm.

"Listen, okay? Can you promise me something?" Katsuki asked, catching her attention in which her shiny red eyes looked up into his own. She nodded slowly before he continued. "Whenever you feel like shit, or think about shit, call me. Please, call me and talk to me about it." Katsuki said, looking at her.

Elena nodded. "I don't deserve you.." she mumbled and snuggled further into his chest after he had finished bandaging up her arm.

"Don't say that, you're perfect for me, okay? You would've done the same thing for me if I was hurt." Katsuki said, kissing her forearm in a loving way.

Elena smiled faintly before Katsuki began tickling her side. Elena happened to give out a laugh before Katsuki stopped. Now a smile was spread across her face as Katsuki laughed at her reaction. "You're so cute." Katsuki said, rubbing her cheek.

"Shut up." Elena muttered. She tilted her head to the side to avoid getting tickled by his hand. "Nope." Katsuki said. He knew that the only way he could really help with her anxiety is usually to try and cheer her up a little and try and get her mind on something else.

He hated when Elena had these type of moments, because he hated seeing her sad. She was always laughing, or smiling, or being annoying.

But when she was sad, she was genuinely sad. And he hated that.

His hand moved up her cheek before he grabbed it softly. His eyes subconsciously landed on her lips as his thumb ran over her lower lip. "Kat-" Elena began, only to be interrupted by a kiss being planted on her lips.

She kissed him back, running her fingers through his hair softly. The kiss was filled with love and passion. She knew that she had loved him for quite some time now, and he did too.

But she think she might've fallen in love all over again.

Words: 1204

Hi people. I'm sorry for this angsty chapter. I was in a really bad/sad mood and I just wanted to write something.

I hope you liked it a little at least.

Ciao <3

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