Chapter 1: Meeting the swordsman

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The sun had began to raise as its light had shined down onto a cloaked figure driving down a long road alone on his motorcycle.

The cloaked figure had looked down at the gauge and seeing that he was running out of gas as he had looked up and saw a nearby build board which had a message saying that a gas stastion was down the road.

'That's good I thought I would have to drag by bike in this hot sun like last time' the cloaked figure thought to himself as he had continued to drive down the road heading for the gas station that was only that of five minutes away.

Eventually the cloaked figure had arrived at a gas stationand and got off of his bike as he had parked it next to the number three gas pump.

After which the cloaked figure walked into and up to the front to the cashier who looked like a teenager who seemed to not care.

"I would like some gas on pump numer three" the cloaked figure said the casheir didn't pay any attention to the cloaked figure as outside of the shop a van had pulled infont of the shop and a man gotten out already having his hand inside of his jacket.

As soon as this man had gotten into the store he had taken out a gun and aimed it at the two only people in the shop.

"Alright you two put your hands up and don't move!!!" the robber yelled.

Qucikly the casheir had seen what was going on and did as he was told while to cloaked figure didn't even pay attention to the robber.

"Good now that you are up can start the gas for pump three?" the cloaked figure asked the cashier who was just terrified about what was currently happeing and looked at this cloaked figure as if the person was crazy.

"Hey didn't you here me you bastered I said put your damn hands up!!" the robber said as he was now aiming his gun at the cloaked figure who still didn't show any care about.

"If it's money you are worried about I have cash right here for my gas" the cloaked figure said completly ignoring the robber as the cloaked figure had reached out and taken out a wallet which was just filled with cash and the robber smiled with greed on his face.

"Yeah give me all of that in there!" the robber yelled yet the cloaked figure didn't even acknowledge the robber.

"Hey you asshole give me all your money!!" the robber yelled only for the cloaked figure to sigh annoyed.

"If your not going to pull the trigger then you might as well keep quite" the cloaked figure said which only made the robber more mad.

"Just shit the hell up and give me the moeny or I will shot!!" the robber yelled which the cloaked fiure then turned and faced the robber.

"Fine then pull the trigger just know the moment you do you'll wish you never had" the cloaked figure said.

"Oh yeah you don't think I'll pull the trigger well then you can think about it in hell" the robber said as he went to pull the trigger but nothing happend as the robber looked at his hand that was holding his firearm.

At which the pistoal had fell apart into peices but not only that but the robber hand was broken and once the robber realized what happend the shock of pain followed and he fell onto his knees and began crying out.

With the cloaked figure sighing "I warned you" the figure said as he had looked back and to see the cashier already gone and had gotten behind the register and turned on the third gas pump.

After doing so the cloaked figure had walked past the know unconscious robber who passed out from the swent back outside and gotten onto the motorbike.

Which while driving the wind began pushing agaisnt the front head of the cloak pushing it back showing a young man who looks to be entering his twenties with all black hair and only a one strip of white on the end point.

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