Chapter 25

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Jemma's POV

Today is Monday and I'm on my way to class. I had a very chilled weekend with just my husband and son. I woke up on Sunday not feeling well and I was vomiting the whole day but I'm okay now. It was probably something I ate. Alessandro took care of me and he was very sweet. I was under the weather for 24 hours but I'm better and strong now.

I get to class and as I was a little bit early I could see there were few students around the hall and professor Jenkins (the professor who attended the college party on Saturday) was already there. He sees me and calls me over. I approach him and stand in front of his desk. "Hi Jemma, how was your weekend?". He asks. It was okay and yours professor?" I answer him. "It was good and may I please see you in my office after class?" I answer him "sure".

By this time the class is already full and I turn and head towards my seat next to Melody. The class goes by so fast and after an hour it's finished. Melody is so excited about the party that we attended on Saturday and how she hooked up with some guy over the weekend. I was not really listening as my mind was with the professor who wanted to see me. I exit the class and tell Melody that I will see her after my meeting with the professor.

I walk towards his office and when I get there he is already sitting in front of his desk with a file with my name on the front. I knock and he indicates for me to sit down." I was going through your file Jemma and I'm shocked at what I find out. So you are married and you have a child?" He says. I nod my head because I honestly do not know what to say.

"You are not just married but you are married to one of the richest man in the world Mr Alessandro Tetrazzini, no wonder your surname seemed familiar" he says. Again I just nod because at this point I don't know where this conversation is headed. "Your husband is one of our biggest donors at this university were you aware of that?" He asks.

"Yes I am aware of that and yes I'm married to Alessandro Tetrazzini and if I may ask, what has my marriage got to do with this meeting professor?" I ask him. "Honestly nothing, I was just shocked, I knew you were married but I didn't realize who you were married to." He answers. Now I'm really lost, he called me into his office to discuss my marriage...weird!

"Professor I have a class in about 2 minutes may I be excused please" I ask him. He stands up and goes and stand in front of the door . "Of course  you may." I stand up and walk towards the door and I can see that I have to touch him in order for me to go through the door. I pass him and indeed I touch his chest with my back. He doesn't move an inch to give me room to pass. What a weird man.

I go to my next class and soon it's 3 o'clock and my classes are done for the day. I walk towards my car and I see that there is a note on my windscreen. I take the note and it's indeed addressed to me. The note says " To Jemma. Alessandro Tetrazzini is not who he says he is". There is no forwarding address and I look around to see maybe if anybody is watching me. But nope everyone is minding their business.

I enter my car and head towards Alessandro's offices. I will have to ask my security personnel maybe they saw something. But if they did why didn't they say anything. I approach the building and every time I see my husband's surname on the tallest building in the city I become so proud . He has achieved so much at such a young age.

I park my car (I have a parking spot reserved in my name next to my husband's). I get off and head straight to the lobby area. I know that the bodyguards are following me close behind .I do not say anything to anyone as I head straight for the private elevator that can only be accessed by Alessandro and I. I'm not in the mood for anything. I just want to be close to my husband. The professor talk and the note on my car rattled me. He is my safe haven and I need to be in his arms.

I reach the top floor and I see the many PAs of different executives sitting at the front desk. I see Kelly Jacobs approaching me as I head towards Alessandro's office. "Jemma, Alessandro is in a meeting and he told me not to let anyone disturb him. He is not even in his office, he is in the boardroom." She says

I don't answer her, I just change my direction and head towards the boardroom area. And I don't even bother to knock. I know I'm being rude but I just want my husband right now. I enter the boardroom and more than 20 pairs of eyes turn to look at me. Alessandro was looking annoyed because of the distraction but the moment he realizes it's me he relaxes.

I make my way towards him and as I do this Kelly is busy explaining and apologizing on my behalf for the disturbance. I don't care and I don't look back. Everyone is now staring at me waiting to see what Alessandro will say. I reach him and without saying another word I climb on his lap and hug him tight( his lap and his chest are my favorite place in the whole world).

Everyone goes mute for a minute because they are not used to this. The people in his New York offices were used to this sight. It used to happen almost every week. They got used to it in such a way that when I do it the meetings just continued without any raised eyebrows or questioning looks. They knew how much I mean to my husband. These ones are new to the game but they will get used to it.

After hugging him I sit up and peck him on the lips. Alessandro addresses his board members . He tells them to continue the meeting as if he doesn't have an emotional woman sitting on his lap. Everyone is still stunned and as I look up I see Kelly looking at me with pure hatred and jealousy before she could mask her face...take that bitch this is my husband I say this in my head as I continue to cuddle into my husband's chest.

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