Chapter 15

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Jemma's POV

I regain consciousness and find myself lying in my childhood bedroom propped against pillows. When I open my eyes, there are 4 pairs of eyes staring at me with concern. My parents, my husband and my baby are all standing around the double bed looking at me with various expressions on their faces.

Then reality hit me hard! As I look at Alessandro and little Alessandro standing next to each other looking identical. The only difference is that little Alessandro has baby hair and no hair in some areas on his small cute head. Alessandro has rich black wavy trimmed hair styled to the side, but all that doesn't matter because they could pass off as twins.

At this point the silence in the room is loud. My mom comes to my side and puts her hand on my forehead the way she used to do when I was young and feeling sick. "You don't have a fever and your color has returned ;Jemma love, you gave us all a fright when you fainted. Are you okay now? How are you feeling? Do you want anything?" My mom asks me.

"Mom I'm fine please don't fuss, I feel okay." I say this to my mom. "Janet, can you please give us a moment, I want to talk to my wife in private" Alessandro says this to my mom. Mom looks at me apprehensively because she can read my body language that I don't want to have this conversation. I don't want them to leave me alone with just Alessandro.

On the other hand I have to face the music and it's at that exact moment that little Alessandro starts being fussy indicating that he wants me. He is raising his little hands up so that I can pick him up. Instead of giving him to me, Alessandro gives my mom our son and says to her "I really need to speak to Jemma please just look after him for now, we will be down after a few minutes". She take the baby and leaves the room with my father and little Alessandro in tow.

After they have left the silence is even louder. It's pulsing with tension that you can cut with a knife. Alessandro moves and stands near the window and looks outside. I look everywhere but at him, I can feel his anger radiating from him to me in waves. Boy is he angry, I'm used to Alessandro's anger but this time I'm guilty. Way too guilty and I need to make amends.

"Why didn't you tell me we have a baby? A son, my son. My flesh and blood!" I don't say anything and just look at him. "Answer me damn it!!!! What gives you the right to hide my son away from me? I am his father Jemma! Me and nobody else! I gave you countless opportunities to come clean but you chose to continue with your deceit and lies!" He says this to me in anger.

"How did you know? How did you find out that we have a baby?" I ask him calmly. "I know your body like the back of my hand. When I saw you again I saw the changes on your body immediately. You are even more beautiful than before, your breasts are bigger and once when I was making love to you, I saw the thin almost invisible scar on your tummy and I knew you had a baby."

"Alessandro, I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I was scared, so scared of telling you. I didn't know I was pregnant. I find out when I was in South Africa after a month of being there. I did a test and it confirmed that I was pregnant. I was on the pill so the fact that I could get pregnant never occurred to me and I know that no contraceptive method is full proof, I was shocked." I say to Alessandro.

"After finding out I was pregnant I contemplated telling you but I was still angry and feeling betrayed by you. Being pregnant changed my life after that. It gave me a reason to go on and be strong for my baby. He needed  his mom whole and it gave me purpose. Then I gave birth to the most beautiful baby boy and I just couldn't bring myself to tell you".

"I was scared that once I tell you, you would take him from me, you have the money and resources to win child custody in every country. But my question still remains how did you know? About little Alessandro?" I ask him. "I had you followed by an extra pair of bodyguards, when you thought you were being a ninja they were shadowing you".

"They reported to me about your whereabouts and that you have a baby. I was shocked and the next day I didn't go straight to work I went to your parents' house and found your mother holding our son. Immediately when I saw him I knew he was mine and that has been over a month ago. I've been coming here to spend time with Alessandro junior almost everyday."

I was so shocked by that revelation that I couldn't speak for a second. "So you knew all that time and here I was thinking I was sneaking and escaping my bodyguards, there were other bodyguards following me? Wow Alessandro" I say this to him shockingly. "So if you knew all along why didn't you say something?"

"I was waiting for you to say something! I will never forgive you for hiding my son away from me!" He says this to me angrily. I get out of bed and go to him."Alessandro I'm sorry for not telling you, I was going to tell you today, I mean it. I was going to come clean today.Please believe me." I say this to him begging him.

"It's lies after lies with you Jemma, you don't trust me at all. I take care of you. I give you everything you need and want. I never lie to you but you don't hesitate to lie to me. It's still not enough." I start crying when he says this and I go on my knees, "Alessandro please this is the last time, I will never lie again I promise" I beg him.

He looks down at me with a neutral face (I usually can read his facial expressions but now I can't see anything). "I need time and space, I'm going to take my son now and leave with him. You are going to use this time and think hard and deep if this is what you want. Being married to me and being my wife. I love you Jemma but I can't force you to be with me, if you need your freedom I will give it to you so think hard and when I come back I need answers." He says.

Then he starts moving towards the exit and I scream his name..."Alessandro!"

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