Chapter 8

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Jemma's POV

It's been a month since I moved into my old home and things have not really been easy. Alessandro has really improved, he can walk unaided now but not for long. He can speak clearly but then again he was never a man who spoke a lot. He was so dedicated and determined this previous month into getting better.

He spent almost all his time in the gymnasium with his doctors and the fruits of all that hard work can be seen on his body. He is gaining all the muscles he lost and his skin glows. He is returning to the old Alessandro I know and honestly I'm happy for him.

The only problem I have now is the more Alessandro gains back his abilities of talking and walking another problem arises. The old Alessandro was possessive and jealous. This new Alessandro doesn't say much but he watches me like a lion watches a deer or a wildebeest in the Serengeti. Our sexual chemistry has always been explosive but now it's off the charts.

I moved in with little Alessandro a month ago and it worked for the first two weeks because Alessandro was not really aware of the happenings around him. I was balancing between my son and my husband and it was not easy. They both needed my attention at all times. I would go 16-20 hours without sleep and the pressure started to take a toll on me.

Alessandro refused to cooperate when I'm not there. He refuses to eat or do anything if I'm not around. I'm still nursing my son he also needs my attention, I mean my baby is only 5 months old now. I breastfeed him throughout so he needs me close at all times. This time it's not possible because I have to divide my time between them.

After two weeks of balancing between taking care of Alessandro and little Alessandro I was worn out. I became a zombie because it was too much. Alessandro was becoming more and more alert everyday, he was coming back to his senses and becoming himself again. It was just a matter of time before he started seeing little Alessandro around, my baby didn't help matters because when he wants my attention he can cry for world.

I had to decide fast on how I could remedy the situation. So I gave my parents little Alessandro so that he can stay with them just until Alessandro is back to his feet. Then I will move out and go back home.

It's been two weeks since I moved little Alessandro to my mothers house. I see him everyday, I make sure I visit him as I need to pump my breast milk everyday for him. Alessandro is strong and I am happy about his progress. I don't know when I will tell him about little Alessandro but it has to be soon.

I'm in the back of a Bentley being driven from my parents' house to Alessandro's house. I'm just coming from seeing my son so my mood is high. He is healthy and so far it looks like my parents have everything under control. My mom said that he used cry for me the first 3 days but then he stopped. I always feel happy after spending time with my son.

There is something different about today. My mood is elevated, I feel good. I don't feel like the walking dead. I even dressed nicely today. Black skinny jeans, black boots, a black turtleneck and a brown jacket.I feel like me again.

Suddenly my phone vibrates and I see I have a couple of messages from Alessandro.
Alessandro: Where are you (15:01)
Alessandro: Jemma, where are you? (15:02)
Alessandro: Where the hell are you? (15:02)

Oh oh when I look at the time it's 18: 00 pm so he sent all these texts 3 hours ago and I'm only getting them now. There probably was no reception at my parents' house. Alessandro has never texted me since I came back because he was incapable of doing so. This is all new and I don't know what it means.

I'm happy he can even use a phone now, his progress is shocking, he made such great strides towards getting better in just under a month. I'm proud of him honestly I am but what does this mean? Does he still need me? What am I going to do now? Do I move out?

I've been seeing the change in him, the past week his energy was just different. The way he looks at me and watches me seemed like something the old Alessandro would do. The sexual chemistry has intensified between us, I'm only human and it's been over a year since I got any action. Probably the same situation with him so the dry spell is making itself known everyday.

Soon the car comes to a stop in front of the house and I get out. It's so eerily quiet as i enter the foyer and close the door behind me, I notice that the lights of the whole house are off. There is no activity and I don't hear the chitter chatter of doctors and nurses who are usually around. The way it's so quiet, you can probably hear a pin drop.

I walk towards the living room and come to a dead stop as a voice speaks behind me. "Where the hell have you been?" I know this voice, it's the voice of dominant Alessandro. It's sexy and deep and I could just orgasm just from hearing it. I turn around and find him standing by the door looking all sexy in just black jeans unbuttoned.

"Um, uumm ahh, wh, why, why is it so dark in here?" I ask him stutteringly, because I can't deal with all that sexiness he is oozing and it just being in my face. He still needs to gain more muscle but he looks good, mouth watering good. " I asked you a question Mrs Alessandro Tetrazzini, WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU?...oh God!!!

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