Chapter 13

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Jemma's POV

Everything is ready as I descend the stairs and look down at Alessandro standing at the bottom of the stairs looking all sexy in a charcoal fitted suit with an emerald tie. He looks tired and tense but then again, he just started going back to work 2 weeks ago after a year long absence.

I reach him and give him a kiss and a hug for just a moment. He needs the hug, the 7-9 hours separation between us is a lot on him (he is not coping well with the separation) . He then proceed to put me at arms length to admire my sexy white dress. "What's the occasion angel, you look so beautiful." He says to me as he continues to admire my outfit.

"Tonight is special, I have a surprise for you. Just go to our bedroom and freshen up. I took the liberty of choosing an outfit for you and it's on the bed. When you have freshened up, come downstairs and the surprise will be waiting for you . I'm going to blow your mind with what I have in store for you." I tell him and after another quick kiss he goes upstairs.

I go out side just to make sure everything is in order again. I love double checking stuff especially now that I'm a new mom. I pour our favorite champagne into glasses and go back inside to wait for Alessandro. I don't have to wait for long because just as I was entering the house, he was on the last step coming down. I hand him the champagne.

He looks so good in just blue jeans and a white tight fitting shirt. I take his hand and lead him to our dinner outside. The whole setup is gorgeous and I have taken the liberty of giving the work stuff a night off, I will be doing everything myself. There are white balloons everywhere with candles just adding to the ambiance. "This is beautiful angel, you did all this for me? Thank you so much." He says.

"I just wanted us to have a quiet evening just the two of us under the stars." Alessandro gives me a long forehead kiss and after that, he pulls a chair for me ; my husband is always the gentleman. "I love what you have done, it is so beautiful and I love you, you know that right?"

"I just wanted to surprise you and treat you to a one night of the Jemma special. I know you have been working so hard the past two weeks, by the time you come back from work you are so tired. We don't even have time to bond. I know you love me just as much as I love you. I really wanted this night to be special"

I look at him straight in the eyes for a few seconds without saying anything after that. I really love this man with all my heart and I know right now he is at a place where he is not so sure of my feelings after the stunt I pulled when I ran away. He needs assurance from me : that I'm not going anywhere.

"Alessandro, I don't know what I did in this life to be rewarded with an amazing human being like you. I see everything you do for me and I really appreciate it. If I could take away the misery I caused this past year when I ran away from you, I would do it in a heart beat. Me running away was not because I don't love you, I love you very much. I ran away because I got scared which was stupid."

"I've learned my lesson and I'm not going anywhere I promise you. I'm going to spend the rest of my life showing you how much I love you. The main reason why I prepared this dinner for us is because I have some news to share with you." I say this to him as he continues looking at me looking apprehensive after my last statement.

"When I was in South Africa, I applied to Harvard and Yale universities to study law. More specifically commercial law, I want to work with you in future as your lawyer." He smiles when I say that. I then hand him the two emails I received and he reads over everything. I'm seating here nervous as hell because Alessandro doesn't like change especially if that change involves him being without me.

He takes his moment reading the two letters after he is done, he hands me the letters back. He stands up and comes to my side, he then takes my hand and pull me up until he is holding me close. "We can't erase what happened and it's all in the past, my only focus is now and our future together. You have always wanted to be a lawyer and I'm proud that you got accepted into two of the best universities in the US."

"I already have my dream right here with me. You are my dream Jemma and everyday I get to spend with you is like a dream come true. So I guess we are moving to Connecticut or Massachusetts? I have a massive empire and the money I have in the bank will never finish even if I'm given 10 lifetimes to live again and you must know that I will give all that away if it means I get to have you only."

As he is saying all this, my eyes start tearing up because I didn't expect him to be this understanding at all. "I have my dream right here in my arms, I have to let you realize your dreams on your own. Becoming a lawyer is what you have always wanted so my only job is too support you." He says this to me with a little smile on his face.

"I love Yale university so I guess we are moving to Connecticut." I tell him. "Good choice angel and again I'm really proud of you. I love you and if us moving to Connecticut with you to make your dreams come true then so be it." I pull him close and hug him right. I'm so overwhelmed because I thought he will be so angry and difficult but nope, my husband is so calm and understanding.

I am the luckiest girl in the world honestly, how did I get so lucky to be married to someone like Sandro. I have told him one secret now, only one secret left. I hope he is as understanding as this...

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