Chapter 6

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Jemma's POV

As I exit the car I see Tim and Beth waiting with close to 5 personnel standing behind them, which I assume are Alessandro's doctors. I walk towards them and Beth gives me a close tight hug. We kiss each other on the cheeks and embrace for a few seconds. I greet Tim as we give each other a handshake.

"Jemma, this is Dr Victor Barnes he is the doctor in charge of  everything related to Alessandro's  medical situation , he will brief you more on the progress of Alessandro's road to recovery." Beth says as she introduces me to the doctor. Dr Barnes is a handsome tall African American man with a warm welcoming smile plastered on his face.

I shake his hand and say, "it's a pleasure to meet you Dr Barnes I am Jemma, Alessandro's wife". "I know who you are, I mean this house is full of pictures  of you. Everywhere you turn there you are on a wall," he says this jokingly with a smile on his face. I blush because though he said it jokingly it's still the truth. "So how is Alessandro doing?" I ask Dr Barnes.

"He is still the same, no progress yet. He doesn't respond to any kind of stimulus he just sits in his wheelchair every day and does nothing. His body is getting weaker and weaker and we worry that this might be permanent. Alessandro can talk, he can walk , he can do anything a healthy person can do: he just chooses not to. I have never seen anything anything like this in my 20 years of career," Dr Barnes answers.

That is very worrying indeed, if the damage becomes permanent. Alessandro is a very physical and virile man. He thrives on physical activity, this is a man who bikes, does quad riding, mountain climbing, plays tennis, loves swimming, running. He does spend time in the gym but his body was honed from years of physical activity outdoors. He lives for the adrenaline.

"What can I do to help Dr Barnes?" I ask. "We are hoping that your presence will stimulate him to actually respond and move or talk or make eye contact. Anything that will give us a sign that he is still in there alive just trapped. Alessandro is okay but his mind and body is protecting him from dealing with his pain and loss of you. It's like a patient with amnesia, the brain tries to protect the patient from remembering a traumatic event that's why the patient can't remember certain things." Dr Barnes says.

"Alessandro's body is protecting him from dealing with the reality that you are gone. We are hoping that when he sees or hears that you are around his body will start responding. His body is deteriorating and this is our last hope. I pray that it works because there is a high chance we've already lost him and he is gone." As Dr Barnes says this tears start streaming down my face as I silently cry for the father of my child.

"Mrs Tetrazzini can we please go in? ," Dr Barnes ushers is all into the foyer and there on the walls are pictures of me laughing and looking so happy, young and carefree. I love the way I look in these pictures I don't like who I am now. Now I'm always crying and unhappy and I've lost weight because Alessandro's situation stresses me.

As we go up the stairs, pictures of me laughing are looking at me from every angle, I start reminiscing about the happy times I spent in this very house. The good times as well as the bad times. The many times Alessandro made love to me on these very stairs we are climbing. The times he chased me because I hate being tickled and he loves it. I was really happy in this house.

We reach the top of the stairs and I see that we are going to the opposite direction from the master bedroom. We heard straight until we stop in front of a door. I remember this room, I used to spend most of my time here doing homework and just designing my clothes for my future fashion line. I love drawing and sewing, I am very good at it.

"Alessandro has a very particular liking for this room. It's strange because when we put him in the master bedroom or any other room he frets in his sleep and sweats a lot, he is restless. When he is in this particular room he is peaceful and sleeps well, so we usually keep him here all the time." Dr Barnes says.

"The Alessandro you might see might not be the same man you remember Jemma so I need you to be prepared for anything." He opens the door and indicates for us to go in. When I enter what shocks me is that the room is still the same way I left it but there is a huge bed added now. I see that there are close to 15 persons ( doctors, nurses and caretakers ) in the room all waiting for Dr Barnes.

His medical team is huge but then again when you are Alessandro you can buy the best doctors in the world why not? I look around until I see him sitting in front of the huge floor to ceiling revolving windows. This room has the view to the swimming pool and recreational facilities surrounding the house.

There is a nurse around him trying to feed him and  immediately as I entered he became still. He didn't move, he continued looking down but very still. I walk and stand in front of him. "Hi Alessandro, I say to him. He doesn't respond immediately. He was so still and everyone in the room was so quiet waiting to see what will happen.

After a few minutes a miracle happened. I call it a miracle because it's exactly what it was...Alessandro moves his head and raises it up moving along my body until his green gaze ensnares my brown ones and we just stare at each other...

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