Chapter 20

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Today is my first day of school and I'm nervous. I can't believe I am here really doing this :Realizing and making my dreams come true. I drove myself to school in my Range Rover and I know for sure my bodyguards are around somewhere. I tried to speak with Alessandro into letting me go to school with bodyguards but he was having none of it.

I had a horrible weekend I won't lie. The whole weekend was filled with tension between Alessandro and I. I gave him the silent treatment the whole weekend. I could see my guy was struggling to deal with the whole situation and couldn't understand why I was angry. He said work is work and Kelly Jacobs was just doing her job well. Men can be dense sometimes.

So I spent the whole Saturday night ignoring him and I know Alessandro doesn't deal well with me ignoring him. It really hurts him, he doesn't know what to do when I'm in one of my moods. I refused to go to bed that Saturday night. I could tell he was getting angry little by little because of my attitude. Well I'm angry too so he can suck it.

I spent the whole sunday with my son. Watching movies as I continued to ignore my husband. He spent almost the whole day in the gym taking his frustration on the treadmill and weightlifting. He tried having a conversation with me but it didn't work I was not having it. I continued to ignore him.

I slept in one of the guest bedrooms and within 30 minutes he was there. He refused for me to sleep in a guest bedroom, I sleep with him always. He gave me options either I walk out on my own or he will carry me. I stood my ground and he didn't like my answer. So he carried me duvet and all into our bedroom. Even in there I still refused to talk to him.

When I fell asleep I was on my side of the bed but when I woke up I was in Alessandro's arms. Still didn't talk to him even as I get prepared for school. He was getting frustrated with my silent treatment (he knows how I get when I decide to ignore him). He left very early this morning, earlier than usual and went to work. Well I don't care I don't like Kelly and she must go.

I realize I've been sitting in my car for the last 20 minutes and just staring into space. I get off the car and gather my stuff from the back. Within 30 minutes I was already in my orientation class. I don't look out of place as I was dressed in jeans and long jacket, I looked trendy but simple (the whole outfit was Dior of course).

By lunch time I had my itinerary and knew where most of my classes will be held. The place is huge but I will get the hang of it eventually. I realized then that I was feeling hungry and I went to the student centre and got myself a burger and a drink. As I was busy eating my lunch I get this feeling that someone was watching me. Indeed someone was watching me. Guess who? My husband is standing next to a tree in a three peace black suite looking gorgeous as always.

He looks tired and even from this distance I could see the under eye circles but that doesn't stop him from looking like he just stepped out of a GQ magazine, he looked out of place. He doesn't come to me. He just watches me. I don't go to him either we just continue staring at each other as I continue to eat my lunch. While I was busy eating one of the guys whom I met during orientation who's name is Mark comes over and says hi to me and invites me for a freshers party.

I wanted to decline on the spot and on second thoughts I agreed to the party just to piss off someone. I could tell Alessandro doesn't like that I'm talking to a guy, he doesn't know what to do. Should he come over or continue to watch me from afar. He decides on the latter and I could feel his anger escalating to unknown proportions. The spanking I'm going to get will probably last me the whole week.

I exchange phone numbers with Mark as we were going to be doing the same course together. After he leaves I realize it's already 14:45 pm and I don't have classes after that so I decide to go home. I move towards my car and as I pass him, he says nothing to me and I say nothing to him. I could feel the anger though and his face looked like he was ready to murder someone. He follows behind me as I walk towards my car.

I enter my car and as I was about to start the it he opens the car door and removes me from the drivers' seat. He walks around the car with me in his arms and puts me in his car in the passenger seat. I see him talking to Mario and I watch as Mario enters my car and drives off. Alessandro enters the car and sits there for a moment. His knuckles are white with tension but I continue to ignore him.

I must have a death wish because my husband is angry, he is pissed off. After a few minutes of silence he drives off and merges the car into the high way traffic and we head straight for home. Within 30 minutes we are home and I see my car parked in the drive way. I quickly get off before he could come and get me and I move quickly towards our house (I'm a coward so sue me).

As I enter the house I know he is going to come and get me. I've pushed him too far with the innocent flirting I did earlier with Mark. Why was he at my school, he should have been at work but I know why he was not at work. Alessandro cannot concentrate on anything until we are okay. His solution was not a phone call because he knew I would ignore him. So in his mind he had to come to my school.

I go and ask one of the nannies where little Sandro is and she tells me he is having his swimming lessons. I forgot about that because I was busy preparing for my first day at school. I go into the spa part of the house (the house has its own personal spa with a steam room). When I enter my baby is already getting the hang of it. He has cute little floaties on and he looks so cute.

The moment he sees me he starts struggling indicating I should pick him up. I do while I coo and gush over how cute he is. He has this huge grin on his face and the smile that owns my heart with his 4 little teeth. I hug him and that's how Alessandro find me holding little Sandro. He comes and gives our son a kiss and asks about his progress.

He then proceeds to take little Sandro from my hands and he hands him to one of the nannies and then he picks me up in his arms. The staff is not shocked and go about their business because they are used to this display as it happens a lot in this house. He leaves the spa and heads straight to our bedroom I guess my time is up and from the look on his's punishment time.

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