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⇾ I have a major obsession with Argentina lately so youll see her name pop up a lot here.

⇾ There are also 25 HC here so yeah—

⮕ Colombia once fell out of a tree when she was younger and Ecuador will still randomly giggle about it.

⮕ Suriname for the longest time felt like she didn't fit in because she wasn't independent like the other South American nations. She was often turned down and couldn't do the things they did because she wasn't independent like they were; this is why she's so close with Guyana.

⮕ Brazil & Argentina? 100% 2 pretty best friends. They're the duo that cannot live without one another, life would just be too boring. Uruguay is just a plus.

⮕ They also take futebol very seriously and will go against one another in practice because they're just that good.

⮕ Argentina has wicked straight long hair that goes to her thighs, and Brazil (since she doesn't have straight hair) likes styling it and doing things she's unable to do with her own. It's a stress reliever for both of them, Argentina likes the feeling of somebody playing with her hair and Brazil likes the feeling of playing with it.

⮕ Argentina looks unhappy 60% of the time. The other 40%, Brazil is in her presence.

⮕ And even though she doesn't feel romantic attraction, Argentina would love to adopt a baby one day and raise a baby of her own.

⮕ Enough about Argentina, Uruguay served (and is serving) in the military and has since even before the country gained independence in 1825.

⮕ While we're talking about South America, might as well add Paraguay into the mix since she isn't talked about often. Paraguay has jaguar ears and a tail as well as nails that resemble claws. The claws aren't as big as a jaguars and they grow at a human's pace, but they can still leave a nasty mark if she were to ever attack you.

     ⇾She has special gloves made so she cannot scratch or hurt anything, and this is really good for her because she can easily play the harp now.

⮕ Paraguay also gets super annoyed when her flag is confused with Netherlands so she wears a name tag on her uniform with her human name and her country name in bolded letters, just to play it safe.

⮕ Poeta—Chile's older sister—works in poetry—as her name says—and can write fluently in 21 languages. This includes 12 of the indigenous languages in Chile, their 6 regional languages, obviously their Native one (Spanish), as well as English and Portuguese. 

     ⇾ Chile can also speak in the 12 indigenous languages, Spanish, and English but doesn't understand Portuguese or his regional ones.

     ⇾ She and Chile will speak in Mapuche (a native language) if they want their conversation private because the only other person who knows it is Argentina.

⮕ I guess I should talk about something other than South America so let's talk Central—Costa Rica has 6 pet Parrots, a male Grey Parrot (named Alejandro), a female True Parrot (named Luciana) and their 4 babies born earlier this year.

⮕ Her human name is Lora Amante in case you were wondering.

⮕ Costa also cares for sick and injured baby animals so she spends most of her time in Costa Rica and only leaves for UN meetings.

⮕ Jamaica's addiction journey was not easy at all and she had more downs than ups but she eventually beat it with the help of Chile.

⮕ Let's see... Haiti! I don't know if I mentioned this before but Haiti wears glasses and always had 'cause she's never had good eyesight.

⮕ Dominican Republic will never see his sister (Haiti) the same. When they were separated by France & Spain, they didn't see one another and were kept close to the colonisers to "protect" them, ultimately making it so they could never see each other. He left her a shy, friendly person to somebody ready to just kick somebody ass just for giggles and he hasn't been able to see her as her old self since.

⮕ Okay, for real, something other than the America's; Romania is an iele; a feminine creature in romanian folklore that resembles a fairy.

⮕ Native America is not and I repeat, not just one person. Each tribe has their own representative with their own beliefs, own cultures, and own mind. 

⮕ Germany is also good at football, but doesn't care much for it ad Argentina & Brazil does. She really only practices when she feels like it or has an upcoming game because its not really what her nation is known for and she'd rather work on other things.

⮕ Russia, China, and United States (lol sorry hes located in NA-) make everybody around them know they're present and of higher power than them. Them simply walking in the room is a threat.

⮕ Oop, the North Korea & China have been married for 5 years now. 

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