♡ South Korea × Britain ♡

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➯ I love these two so much.|


➡️ Britain and South Korea were originally really close friends and if they were to break up, they would remain that way.


➡️ South Korea gets hella jealous. Its a bad trait he has, and he's trying to control it but it's not that easy to when he's focusing on other mental stuff. If Britain and America spend more time together than he gets with her, he'll find a way to include himself in to. It's both a mixture of jealousy and the fear of being forgotten.


➡️ Britain is that one girl who is always wearing South Korea's favorite colours. Not only to make him happy, but to remember him while she works.


➡️ Britain is a fashion designer who designs fancy/prom dresses. She often has South Korea wear them for her because he looks good in everything and if the outfit he wears doesnt look good it goes in the trash, never to be seen again.


➡️ South Korea works as an animator and an artist. He draws for a living, mainly using commissions from Instagram, twitter, even youtube. His art style is actually very well known in the countryhumans world, so it's fairly easy to tell what's his. He's not a huge artist, nor does he want to be because he thinks so many people would be too much if a hassle for him to handle. Be likes his little group.


➡️ South Korea has basically become the new father for Britain's children. They have grown to see him as a parental figure, and even the eldest, England, Wales and Scotland, have grown to like him and trust him with their siblings.


➡️ If they got married, South Korea would be the one to propose . Most likely he would do it her country like in Edinburgh or even his island, Jeju-do, but they haven't gotten that far into their relationship yet.


➡️ They don't want to do any sexual stuff yet. It makes South Korea uncomfortable due to his backstory, and Britain respects that. She doesn't push him into doing sexual stuff with her, nor does she dl sexual stuff towards him


➡️ They have 24 (non-biological) kids in total between the 3 of them. 18 if them are Britain's territories, then her capitals, which are also her children, are London, Glasgow, Cardiff, and Belfast. Then South Korea's 2 daughters are Jeju and Seoul.


➡️ Every year during Pride Month or National Trans Awareness Day, Britain makes a cake for South Korea decorated in blue, pink and white decorations with the saying "we love you no matter what" on it, just to make him happy.


➡️ Britain and South Korea don't like going out too much (they're pretty low and rather spend time together than out) but when they do, they go on dates in paint or pottery places, and occasionally the library.


➡️ Jeju likes hanging around London or Northern Ireland because they're older and willingly playd with her a lot, while Seoul prefers being close to her father. She hides herself in his wings, which Britain finds absolutly adorable. 


➡️ Britain wears 4 inch heels to make herself look taller than South Korea. In reality, she's only like 159 cm. She doesn't want people teasing her for her height so she makes herself look taller, when really a lot of people are in her height range and only a few centimeters taller than her. (She also hates people mocking her accent but thats another story.)


➡️ Britain never had a good childhood. Her grandmother always forced her and her mother into tight dresses and was basically like every Kingdom sterotype. She was strict, aggressive and wouldn't let Britain go outside of their castle walls for the fear she would run away. If her mother tried talking back she would be called disrespectful due to the fact she "put a roof over their head and they didnt respect that". Once her grandmother had finally past, she brought it upon herself rule her country while her sick mother recovered, and eventually ran into South Korea and fell in love with him. (They bond over childhood trauma- trust me.)


➡️ During the winters, South Korea often gets cold and chills. Due to the fact Britain usually only gets 4-7°C as their lowest point while South Korea can get to -10 to even -15°C In whether, South often feels sick with a cold during the winter season. January is the worst month for him, to which Britain often has to do stuff for him due to the horrible colds he can have. He works a lot for the times he can so he can save up and takes days off during the horrible cold days. During the summer months, due to the heat being over 29°C as an average, he often feels fevers or dehydration. Basically, he can never win when it comes to whether. It's going to suck reguardless of what happens.


⇾ I have this headcanon that if a country's average winter temperture goes below 0°C, they often experiance chills, colds and headaches, and if their average temperture for the summer goes above 29°C, they often get fevers or feel dehydrated. Countries like Russia, Libya, Burkina Faso, etc that are always cold/hot, so they've adapted to their whether, unlike countries like South Korea who have major whether changes. America is weird. Due to the different regions all being different temperture, he doesn't experiance the colds of fevers. His regions do instead. He doesnt feel anything, which is a huge advantage on his part. If a drought is going on, then that countryhuman would feel sick and dehydrated until their country gets better. If a hurricane hits their land, they'll feel over hydrated. If a tornado hits, they feel dizzy. Simple whether like an average snow storm, or rain wont do any damage because it's normal whether experiance for every country. Countries that dont usually experiance hot whether, cold whether, droughts, etc, will suffer 5× worse than a country used to it due to the fact they barely know how to treat themselves. I'll explain more later. |

 ⇾ Any country that drives on the left side of the road if left handed, so Britain is a leftie. Denmark, South Korea, and Netherlands are also left handed despite not driving on the left side and countires like America, Brazil, China, India, Liberia and Egypt can write with both. [Just a random headcanon that has nothing to do with the chapter.] |

⇾ While I don't personify every state, I do make up genders for them in case I need to. |

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2023 ⏰

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