【 🇰🇵 North Korea 🇰🇵 】

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Notes; So I realized having 5 peeps in one chapter was stupid so we're starting with only 1 person. Originally, I wanted South and North Korea in this chapter but his chapter is over 4,200 words on its own so I screwed that idea-

[ T/W; Mentions @b×se, m×rder, and r@pe ]


✎ Country Official Name = Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea [Korean; 조선민주주의인민공화국]

✎ Country Official Nickname = North Korea, [Korean; 북한] 

✎ Country Motto (English + Native Language) = Strong and Prosperous Nation [Korean;강성대국] 

✎ Human Name = Kim Jae-sung [Given; the USSR called him Sascha sometimes but that name never became official.] 

✎ Human Nickname = [None]

✎ Age = 77 (country); 92 (since birth)

✎ Date of Foundation = 9 September 1948

✎ Birth date = 15 August 1930 (18 years before Foundation year)

✎ Birth date = 15 August 1997

✎ Zodiac = Leo ♌️

✎ Gender = Cisgender Male

✎ Biological Sex = Male

✎ Pronoun(s) = He/Him

✎ Sexuality = Straight

✎ Flag = 🇰🇵

✎ Race = Asian

✎ Ethnicity = Korean-Japanese

✎ Nationality = Pyongyang, North Korea

✎ Religion = [None]

✎ Main Language = Korean, Russian

✎ Language(s) Known = Korean, Russian, Japanese, [Broken] Chinese, [Broken] English, [Broken] Lao, and [Basic] Mongolian

✎ Language(s) Learning = [None]

✎ Language(s) wanting to learn = [None]


✎ Personality = So, North Korea is a very closeted person who isn't found talking much at all, or really showing emotions. It's hard for other countries to communicate in a manner they feel comfortable with because he doesn't have a good reputation or aura due to the reputation North Korea in real life has. The historical influence they have, had, and has with the Soviet Union and China often gives him both a bad reputation and not to mention the things they do in their nation even today doesn't help his reputation at all.

[ LIES ] But anyways, actual personality trait [maybe?]; North Korea is a very good liar. Like, an extremely good liar. How? Well, he can easily get past saying white lies because he can keep such a straight face telling them. He often keeps them so plain and simple it's easy to maintain and remember everything he'd said which overall makes it super easy to not spill the truth, it's practically second nature to him at this rate. Other countries often feel they have no reliable source from him because both he and his country often lie to make their nation seem greater than they are. And everybody who thinks that would be very correct because everything he says about his nation or even simple things like where he is or what he's doing is pretty much false.

[ CLOSETED + QUIET ] As I said, he's very closeted and just overall quiet to maintain a low status. When he isn't asked a question, he won't speak. If nobody talks to him, he won't make an effort to talk to somebody else. Even when he is spoken to, he doesn't reveal much about his personal life or even the life he had before, he simply doesn't respond with more than 2-word answers or keep a conversation going. He doesn't have his own phone that he uses to text people, more to communicate with his military powers and leaders so you can't talk to him if he isn't in the US unless it's via letter.

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