♡ Australia x Chosŏn Headcanons ♡

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I love this ship so much, so here you go!

▪ They are both females, but Australia is a trans female

▪ Chosŏn insists they hang a transgender flag in their living room

▪ Australia always said she was straight until she was asked to help Chosŏn during the Korean War. When she met her for the first time, she started rethinking all her life choices and sexuality

▪ Believe it or not, Chosŏn confessed first. She notice Australia was upset one day and kissed her to make her feel better. In case you were wondering, it worked.

▪ On the days they dont have to go to work, they do nothing but just constantly cuddle and hug each other

▪ When one is sick, the other will do anything in their power to make them smile and feel better

▪ Chosŏn was having a really rough day once by constantly having panick attacks and wanting to curl into a ball and cry, so Australia spooned, hugged, nuzzled, cuddled and did everything all throughout the night that night to try and make her feel better. Chosŏn has never been so happy

▪ Chosŏn calls Australia 'Aussia' because she thinks its adorable like her

▪ Australia calls Chosŏn 'Angel' sometimes because she believes that's what she is

▪ if somebody makes Chosŏn cry, or physically hurt her, you won't ever hear from the person who hurt her again. Trust me. Aussia will do what's she's gotta do to keep Chosŏn safe and happy

▪ They love each other very, very much

▪ Aussia can tell if Chosŏn is over working herself. Because South Korea has a lot of work/study hours, Chosŏn often works until really late at night and it's Aussia job to drag her to bed

▪ Aussia once forced Chosŏn to sleep because she was worried the other would pass out from exhaustion.

▪ Chosŏn has learned not to worry Aussia because she's grown to realize how it does set off her anxiety. She's learned from her brother some things that set her off and how to avoid it because the two are similar in some ways with their triggers (which is also why they all get along pretty well.)

▪︎ Australia's hair natrualy curls and Chosŏn loved playing with it when it does that.

▪ Aussia is the more lovey one. She's the one sneaking kisses every 5 minutes, and hugging Cho at any chance. 

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