* 🇰🇿 Kazakhstan 🇰🇿 *

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Ngl, I was really excited to do this! 

✎ Country Name| Republic of Kazakhstan 

✎ Country Nickname| Kazakhstan.

✎ Human Name| Kanat Anne

✎ Human Nickname| Kandie or Altın (Алтын, Golden in Kazakh)

✎ Age| 104

✎ Date of Foundation| 16 December 1991 (However, i'm doing it by Kazakh SSR)

✎ Birth date;  1918 (18 years before Kazakh SSR)

✎ Gender| Female

✎ Pronouns| she/her/hers/shes

✎ Biological Sex| Female

✎ Sexuality| Straight

✎ Personality| Kazakhstan is a very calm and polite girl. Her country is known for the Saryarka plains, so I gave her the trait that she's very observant when it comes to nature and if you were to ask her what bird is in the tree she'll tell you right away. She's never one to raise her voice at other's or really talk at all for She's always alone or around the people she cares for. If she feels threatened, she raises her wings for self-defense or to give hints she feels unsafe. She doesn't like yelling or confronting people about it, especially those who had done nothing to her but just make her feel uncomfortable. Another thing about her besides her quietness is the fact she is very strong mentally. Like Ethiopia, she doesn't show much emotion when it comes to hurt or anger and due to the Soviet Union and all she's gone through with her, she's grown to become mentally strong. If you were to make fun of her, she would ignore you or even laugh at your mark. She would show no weakness or hurt. A debatable trait about her though is the fact she's a very diverse person and never seems to really make up her mind. She's constantly saying she'll do one thing only to do the opposite. She also isn't one to forgive after you break her heart. She'll most likely throw all your stuff away or force you to take them back if you make her angry. Even if she doesn't show her angry that much, she doesn't handle it well and takes action immediately.

✎ Languages Spoken| Kazakh, Russian, English [main 3], German, Uzbek, Uyghur, Tatar, Kyrgyz, Azerbaijan, Korean [minority], Chinese [minority], and Arabic [minority]

✎ Languages Learning| None

✎ Likes| Kazakhstan likes bird watching, or more specifically, hiking up to a mountain with either just herself or her friends and studying the different birds on the way. She likes writing about them and taking notes about where she found them or how many there were. She also enjoys skating. Figure Skating to be more exact. When she's not hiking she's on the ice performing every trick she knows, even if nobody is watching. Kazakhstan in general adores being outside and exploring. If she dies, it's probably from 

✎ Dislikes| there isn't much that Kazakhstan dislikes, however she does majorly dislikes when others poke her buttons on purpose just to see her reaction. She always keeps her mouth shut, but she despises it when people do that. She also dislikes when people poke her wings. Whether it be the ones on her head in the ones on her back, she will squeak if you poke them.

✎ Strenths| Mentally Strong, Open-minded, Confident, and Carefree.

✎ Weaknesses| Doesn't make decisions the best and doesn't handle anger the best.

✎ Flag| 🇰🇿

《Apperance [physical]》

✎ Eyes| Kazakhstan is different I suppose I should say. She wears a light blue cloth over both her eyes. The reason is unknown however many people suspect Soviet had blinded one eye and Kazakhstan had just decided to hide both. Either way, the design on the right side of the cloth is a golden sun with 32 rays above a golden eagle. The left side has the pattern her flag has.

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