Chapter 103-104

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Chapter 103: Sweet

Since the Lao Lu family next door went to pick up people at the railway station, Uncle Wang next door was particularly anxious. Lao Wang was so worried that he paced back and forth in his room like a stuffy flies.

"Alas..." Lao Wang couldn't help sighing.

Lao Wang's daughter-in-law laughed and said, "There's someone coming next door. What do you sigh?"

Lao Wang frowned and sighed deeply again: "The youngest son came here with his two little grandchildren..."

Or twins look exactly the same.

"Oh, it's been so long. The last time we went to the island, Xiao Qin was pregnant with a child. At present, the twins are all three years old." Thinking of the original journey south, Lao Wang's daughter-in-law smiled.

- I also took a lot of photos.

Lao Wang was angrily: "Thanks, you can laugh out. This stinky old Lu, he must come to me with his two grandchildren in his arms. I really can't stand it. Pooh, bah, why didn't my son give birth to twin grandchildren for me to play with?"

"Why do you have to fight with Lao Lu? He is elochuting. You haven't flirting in front of him these years?"

"Have you forgotten your granddaughter?"

Lao Wang raised his hand and covered his face. He almost wanted to cry, because he was even more sad when he thought of his precious granddaughter, his little sweet and delicate.

In order to avoid Lao Lu coming to his complacent in front of him, and also to be angry with Lao Lu at close range, Lao Wang often called his little granddaughter Tiantian to dry rest, swaying in front of Lao Lu from time to time, making him envious of his granddaughter.

"Are you envious? Are you envious?"

"Oh, grandpa's little granddaughter, grandpa, come and braid you."


"Good boy, our little granddaughter is really obedient. Sing to Grandpa."


Who knows...

Time is really a fucking pig knife.

There are many wild boys raised by their grandparents in the dry resthouse. After his little sweetness has been in the dry resthouse for a long time, she is not sweet!!

She doesn't let her grandmother braid her beautiful braids now, and she doesn't like to wear colorful skirts. She shaved her beautiful hair into an inch and went to the room like the group of skin boys all day long to make trouble.

"Alas..." Comrade Wang patted his thigh in great pain and remembered the little granddaughter Tiantian's plate inch. He really wanted to spit out an old blood. Even if the girl changed on the 18th National Congress, wouldn't it be such a change?

Why did his sweet little granddaughter become like this?

Mixed among the skin boys in the dry resthouse, she couldn't see that she was a woman at all. She refused to let her grow long hair. She disliked skirts, wore black trousers and black clothes, and asked her grandfather to make a wooden gun for her. She wanted to beep to be a female general.

"I won't be sweet in the future. I'm the champion!"

"Call me the champion!!"

Lao Wang: "..."

If there is regret medicine in the world, he must buy a few bottles to fill it down.

"Our granddaughter beat the old Zhang family's child yesterday... Alas, why do you think our child has changed like this?"

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