Chapter 27-28

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Chapter 27: Little Pepper

Qin Rou met the friend Lu Yan brought back.

She wears a white military uniform like Lu Yan, not so serious, with a pair of eyes and a pair of phoenix eyes, which is very gentle, a little similar to her brother-in-law Chen Mian.

"Daughter-in-law, this is my comrade-in-arms. His name is Wang Yuanzheng. Just call him Lao Wang."

"Hello, Comrade Wang."


Thinking of meeting her husband's guests, Qin Rou wore light blue wide-legged trousers and white shirt today. The clothes were made by a tailor in Guangcheng. The style was simple and simple and generous.

All her hair was loosely tied behind her head, revealing a bright and beautiful face and a few strands of fine hair in her ear, which made her look much gentle.

- There is a good wife.


The godson in front of the hall, the pillow godson, still need to give Lu Yan some face in front of outsiders.

"Come in and sit down. I'll bring out the dishes."

Qin Rou cooked the dishes in advance. Lu Yan went to help her serve the dishes together. Qin Rou prepared eight or nine dishes. When the guests came to the door, they always treated them well. A table of dishes, including shrimp cakes, fried fish steaks, stir-fried clams, white-shrimp, snail pot, steamed shrimp, vinegar tofu sprouts, shrimp slippery tofu soup and a pot of sweet and sour radish. .

Look at the coloring, fragrance, and nothing else. Delicious and delicious, but Qin Rou's favorite sweet and sour radish is the most.

As for other shrimps, fish, clams... It's hard to say.

Her stomach sounded "I want to eat vegetable leaves", and now Qin Rou also understands why those people say they eat abalone with tears and emperor crabs with tears.

I'm worried if I eat too much seafood.

This sweet and sour radish is very suitable for her taste. It uses a small white radish made in Qiongzhou Island. It is small and juicy!! Cut the small white radish into a piece the size of a coin, marinate it with salt for half an hour, then mix it with salt, sugar, green kumquat, millet spicy, light soy sauce, garlic and ginger. Marinate the radish in the sweet and sour sauce for three hours. After marinate, the radish is sour and sweet, which is very appetizing!

After serving the dishes, Lu Yan picked up his sleeves and said, "Lao Wang brought some green crabs. I'll steam them."

"I'll do it."

"Daughter-in-law, don't go. I'll do it. These little things are still alive. Be careful to hold your hand." Lu Yan looked at her with a smile and turned to the kitchen.

Qin Rou followed him to the kitchen door.

In the past two days, Qin Rou was annoyed and angry with him because of Qin Rou's affairs, but when she saw the man this evening, she couldn't help burst into infinite joy in her body, which made her heart beat and panic.

Seeing him, she will be uncontrollable of happiness and joy, just like she can't control the tears she drops.

It became her physical instinct.

Qin Rou squeezed her lips and couldn't help looking at the man who was washing the green crab. She didn't know if it was because she hadn't seen it for a few days. She found that Lu Yan had become much more handsome today, which was better than on the marriage certificate.

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