Chapter 61-62

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Chapter 61: Dancing

Qin Rou got off work early in the afternoon and stopped by the kindergarten. Xiao Pangdun was happy to see her and introduced her when he saw someone: "This is my aunt!!"

She met Xue Xiaohui. Qin Rou's previous proposal, and the kindergarten principal also knew it, and promised them to sing and dance with the children.

About 20 or 30 children in a class were summoned to the playground, and music was played in the loudspeaker. Qin Rou stood in front of a group of little guys. In a trance, she really felt a little back to the past as a kindergarten teacher.

However, the clothes worn by children at this time are completely different from those of later generations, and she also wears yoga cotton-padded clothes, short sleeves and trousers that she was previously asked to ask her sister Qin Mian to help.

"Xiao Xue, stand next to me and jump with me later."

Xue Xiaohui stiffened her body and replied, "Okay."

Qin Rou has countless wholesale children's dance movements in her mind. She had thought of several sets before she came. This will follow the music to move her body. Although it was a little strange at the beginning, when she listened to music, the more she danced, the more it flew.

Jump up!!

She led the dance in front of her, counted the beats, and taught the children to dance together.


Director Wu Min and another female teacher stood on the second floor and looked down. Their eyes, like those short children, were attracted by the beautiful and touching posture of the leader.

The female teacher exclaimed, "She is so beautiful. She can sing and dance. She is worthy of the art troupe."

Wu Min smiled and said, "The children all like her. Look, they are all looking at her."

"Our child didn't watch the performance of the art troupe so attentively. Look at her every move, it is to attract the child."

"I said she should be suitable to teach children."


Qin Rou came to the kindergarten for a few days to dance. Originally, he only taught one class, but several classes came to learn to dance together. As a result, the children in the whole school knew this beautiful little Qin teacher.

"I'm not Mr. Xiao Qin."

"Why not? I think you taught well." Director Wu Min looked at her with a smile, "I won't let you teach for nothing. We will give you a subsidy in the garden."

If it weren't for the impossible, Wu Min really wanted to keep her as a teacher in kindergarten.

Qin Rou is not a kindergarten teacher. The principal can't pay her, but she can give her some subsidies, such as rice, flour, grain and oil. Wu Min said that the garden would give her 20 kilograms of flour.

Thinking of the group of people who like to eat steamed buns at home, Qin Rou came to make extra money quickly.

Xue Xiaohui danced with her for a few days, and the more she danced, the more she became more and more let go. Under the influence of music and dance, people would be like this, not to mention the exaggerated children's dance.

"Let's jump with me!!"

Comrade Qin jumped so hard that how could she lag behind?

After dancing happily with the children every day, Xue Xiaohui is more and more integrated into the children's atmosphere. Qin Rou also mentioned her words on how to be a kindergarten teacher.

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