Chapter 91-92

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Chapter 91: Teaching well

Although there are 20 volumes of 100,000 Whys, it is said that 21 volumes will be released soon, Qin Rou still bought all 20 volumes back.

Qin Rou just flipped through it casually. She found that there were many advantages in this edition of "100,000 Whys". The answer quoted quotations first, but the content was indeed very rich. She had a variety of mathematical, physics, astronomy, geography and meteorology knowledge, and a lot of industrial and agricultural production knowledge.

This set of books is a rare popular science book of this era.

As a college student with contemporary science education, Qin Rou found that some of the contents seemed to meet the requirements of the college entrance examination? These mathematical, physical, geographical, astronomy and meteorological knowledge? You will also pass the exam.

The college entrance examination will resume in another two years, not to mention that the college entrance examination has just resumed, and the question will be very simple. Even the third grades who attended junior high school in the 1960s are good, not to mention others.

Compared with the exam questions in the new century, I believe that the college entrance examination questions at this time will not be too difficult. Qin Rou also heard an elderly history teacher say that she also studied in the 1980s and 1990s. In the past, there was a question asking what Napoleon was.

Unexpectedly, few people know.

Note that she later became a high school history teacher.

The teacher told Qin Rou that she filled in the answer bluntly at that time: It means to take a broken wheel.

Qin Rou: "..."

She plans to send a set of "100,000 Whys" to her sister-in-law's house and give it to Chen Juanjuan and Chen Jinghua's two nephews and nieces. Now that they are in junior high school, it is also good to flip these books if they have nothing to do.

Qin Rou bought another set of "100,000 Whys" and sent it to her sister-in-law's house. After his brother-in-law turned it over and found that there was no problem, she put it in the outside hall and left it to Juanjuan and Jinghua's two children.

"Thank you, aunt."

When Qin Rou left from her sister's house, when Qin Rou went to kindergarten, he met Director Wu Min and asked her if she had any books for the first and second editions of 100,000 Whys.

As an early childhood educator, Wu Min has really collected a lot of 100,000 Whys.

The first two versions have been approved in some cases, but now they have been 75 years old, and many of them have been released.

"Do you want to see the first and second editions? Why don't I give you a set? I have collected a lot. The content of the first and second editions is not as much as that of the third edition. Wu Min collected a lot of the first two editions.

"Why is that so embarrassing? I just want to borrow it."

"I'm not embarrassed. I have two sets that are already worn out. Just think of it as a gift to Zhouzhou and dumplings."

Director Wu Min said to the least that the two versions of Qin Rou's old book were indeed old books with shabby paper. Qin Rou took them home together and put them on the bookshelf at home.

Now on the bookshelf at home, in addition to the basic dictionary red book cultural common sense books, Lu Ge's ship military books, and her several of her novels and agricultural books such as vegetable trimming and grafting, there are also "100,000 Whys" by the cubs.

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