Chapter 67: Rebellion

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Normal Perspective:

Inside the lab of the Harbinger, preparations were being made to take down Darkmount and the Decepticons. Michael also explained about Megatron's further increased army, and how he had brought creatures from two more worlds to their own to the rest of the team, with the Techno-Organic explaining his origins, along with the origins of his Keyblade, as well as the origins of the creatures and Heartless that were now a part of Megatron's army to Ultra Magnus, who was surprised by the revelations, but didn't show it.

Michael had also welcomed Dreadwing to Team Prime, but knew that it wasn't official yet, though the seeker didn't mind, for they had bigger things to worry about.

"Autobots," Ultra Magnus said, after Michael had brought him and Wheeljack up to speed on the recent events. "We remain vastly outnumbered due to Megatron's otherworldly army increase, and, despite our munitions, do not currently possess the firepower to compromise the Decepticon's citadel."

"Uncle Sam's military does." Fowler said in response. "I just can't let 'em make a move as long as Megatron's ray guns are pointed at Washington."

"Then we must infiltrate Darkmount in order to nullify its fusion cannons." Michael said firmly.

"Unfortunately, it seems the fortress is heavily shielded against unauthorized Groundbridges." Ratchet said. "Even those of Decepticon technology."

"Guess we'll have have to sneak past enemy lines Wrecker style." Wheeljack said, as he punched a fist into his servo.

"I couldn't deal with "Wrecker style" back on Cybertron, and I refuse to deal with it here." Ultra Magnus said firmly, to which Wheeljack scowled, but said nothing, while Starscream snickered.

The Commander then addressed everyone else in the room.

"Now, we require a means of thinning the Decepticon ranks to even the odds, including taking down any Heartless and other beings that have been brought in, if we're to have any hope of completing this mission... or surviving it."

"I believe I have a solution to get the ball rolling." Michael said with a smirk. "and it requires the help of the children."

The kids looked at him, confused, but Michael's smirk only widened.

He knew exactly what they could do.

Meanwhile, in another room of the half-buried ship, Smokescreen, who had been ordered to look after Optimus by Michael, was in the room with the Autobot's damaged leader.

Ratchet concluded that the damage done to their leader was too extensive to repair him through normal means, and that the Forge was the only method of restoring him, as Michael had feared.

The Autobot rookie could only pace around the room in silence, the only sound in the room being Optimus's vents and Smokescreen's pedes hitting the floor. A million emotions ran through him all at once, and he hadn't been able to speak upon re-entering the room.

At last, he approached his leader and spoke up.

"I... I can't do this..." He said at last. "I mean sure, who wouldn't want to be a Prime? But I'm really not ready for that kind of responsibility, and I don't think Michael is either."

"Smokescreen..." Optimus said weakly. "The choice is neither yours... nor Michael's... nor mine... to make... When it is time... the Matrix of Leadership... will only present itself to one... whose Spark is worthy..."

Smokescreen just looked at him in sorrow, and remained silent.

Elsewhere, at an abandoned gas station in Jasper, Jack had been bridged there to begin the plan, though the teen was somewhat reluctant to go through with it given what had happened before, but ultimately decided to.

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