Chapter 4: Darkness Rising: Part 3: Behind Enemy Lines

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Michael's POV:

Going out for an early morning drive at the crack of dawn is a really beautiful experience. I should really do this more often. After waking up early and going through my usual routine, I decided to wake Cliff up early so that we could go for an early morning drive through Jasper. It was extremely peaceful, though it was somewhat cold, given it was the Autumn season. That made me wonder, does Jasper ever get snow in the winter? Or does it not snow here in Nevada? I wasn't sure, but I thought I would find out as the winter months rolled around.

We spent a few hours driving and enjoying the peace and quiet that nature had to offer, before meeting up with Bulkhead and Miko, Bumblebee and Raf, and Arcee and Jack, before we all headed back to base together. We all arrived with Jack, Miko, and Raf chatting excitedly to their new guardians.

"That was awesome!" Jack said to Arcee.

"Can we go again?!" Raf asked Bumblebee.

"Suh-weet!" Miko exclaimed to Bulkhead.

"That drive was pretty peaceful." I said to Cliffjumper.

Bulkhead then rattled, struggling to fully transform. He groaned, as he pulled Miko's guitar from his chest.

"Sorry. Must've left it in the backseat." She said.

"Of course you did." I said, smirking. She just glared back.

"Autobots, prepare to..." Optimus began, before realizing we were with them.

"Roll out?" Arcee asked.

"Remain here. Ratchet, you'll come with me." Optimus answered. "Arcee, we will be outside communications range for some time, so I'm putting you in charge."

I knew where they were going.

"Dude, you're biggest." Miko said to Bulkhead. "You should be in charge."

"Um.... He ...never picks me." He replied.

I could imagine why. The base would probably be trashed if he was in charge. No offense to him though.

"Optimus. With all due respect, playing bodyguard is one thing, babysitting's another!" Arcee said. Jack sighed, and went over to the now-human area. "Besides, Ratchet hasn't been in the field since the war." She added, trying to make sure Ratchet didn't hear her. Unfortunately for her, he did.

"My pistons may be old but my hearing is sharp as ever." He said, making sure she heard him. I smirked at his response.

"Never mess with Old Timers, Arcee." I said. They both glared at me, for differing reasons.

"For the moment," Optimus said, bringing the conversation back in line. "It's only reconnaissance."

"Then why do I hear an edge in your voice?" She challenged, trying to push for more information.

"Arcee, much has changed in the last 24 hours, and we all need to adapt. Ratchet, bridge us out!"

With that said, the discussion was closed.

Ratchet opened the Groundbridge, and both he and Optimus walked through it, and left.

"So chief, what's on the activities list?" Jack asked.

"I'm going on patrol." She said, somewhat annoyed.

I couldn't understand why she seemed to be annoyed, considering Cliffjumper was still alive, but Optimus did have a point. A lot did change in the past 24 hours, and from my experience, too much change in a short time was never a good thing.

"But Optimus told us to stay here." Bulkhead said, surprised.

"When you're in charge, you can call the shots." She snapped. She then turned to Bumblebee and Cliffjumper. "Bee, Cliff, with me."

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