Chapter 16: Sick Mind

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Normal Perspective:

A few days had passed since the incident with Airachnid, and Michael, Jack, and Arcee had recovered from the ordeal, and were now back doing what they usually did, as if nothing had happened, though Arcee did suffer from a few nightmares following the incident. But with the help of the others, she was able to quickly get passed them.

One day, Ratchet was experimenting with various frequency wave-lengths when he found something surprising to them all.

"Optimus, you're not going to believe this." The CMO said, as everyone gathered around him. "I've just pinpointed the location of the Decepticon Warship."

"How did you penatrate their cloaking technology?" The Prime asked, surprised.

"I didn't." Ratchet replied. "I was experimenting variable frequency wavelengths when I stumbled upon it. Even still, their ship must be experiencing some kind of electro-magnetic breach."

"With Megatron deceased, and the element of surprise...." Arcee said, punching her fist into her servo.

"We can cause some serious damage." Bulkhead added, catching on.

Suddenly, another signal popped up.

"Also on the same frequency, an Autobot emergency beacon." Ratchet said, turning back to the screen.

"The Decepticons can wait." Optimus said. "Their may be Autobots in distress. Ratchet, bring your medical kit."

A Groundbridge opened on a sandy hill in a desert in China, and Optimus and Ratchet stepped out, the portal closing behind them. A full moon lit up the night sky and the desert landscape. The two Autobots looked out into the sandy climate, seeing a large ship through the darkness and the sand.

"A crash landing." Optimus deduced. "Buried here for centuries."

The two mechs made their way over, and with Ratchet's welder, cut their way into the bulkhead of the ship.

"If they travelled in stasis mode, there may be survivors." Ratchet proclaimed, hoping such was the case. Suddenly, the ship shifted, and the two bots staggered a little. Once the movement stopped, they looked at each other, then continued on. Soon, they came across a sealed door, but Optimus soon opened, and the two bots headed inside. The stopped dead in their tracks at what they saw.

Dead Autobot corpses littered the room they were in, all with black optics and leaking what looked to be Energon. Ratchet ran over to scan them, while Optimus only shook his helm in grief.

"Optimus!" Ratchet called as he scanned one of the corpses. "These Autobots didn't perish in the crash... they are displaying the effects... of a virus...."

"This is plague ship." Optimus concluded, and moved to get a closer look, but Ratchet stopped him.

"Don't! Touch! Anything!" The CMO warned firmly. "The virus could still be active." The wind outside caused the ship to shift again, causing the two mechs to stumble and loose their balance. They were able to keep themselves upright, however. A bang from above caught Optimus' attention, and he looked up.

Directly above him was a corpse hanging in the cables of the ship. It moved, and the tainted Energon dripped from it, falling right into the Prime's optic. He yelled out as the acidic sensation overwhelmed his optics, forcing him to shut them tightly.

"No...." Ratchet said, his voice full of distraught. Optimus was now infected.


Later, with help from the other Autobots, they were able to get Optimus back the base, and into the Medbay. He groaned, sighing in pain-filled vents. The others looked on, worried. Ratchet scanned him, and the scanner beeped wildly as it deduced what the Prime was infected with.

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