Chapter 54: Legacy

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Normal Perspective:

A few days had passed since the Project Damocles incident, and things had returned to normal. Bulkhead had been able to fully recover from the injuries he received from the Tox-En incident, and was now allowed to back onto the field full-time again.

However, the previous incident was not without its problems in the aftermath.

Due to the Decepticons finding out where Raf lived, he and his family had to be relocated with help from Agent Fowler. While this didn't seem to be a huge problem, concerns had been brought up by the humans about if the base would be discovered due to it being so close to the town due to previous incidents, with the recent one being the main concern, but Optimus was able to quell those fears, saying that if the Decepticons do travel through the town as they had done previous times, their base's location would remain secret and undetectable.

Another concern was with the newest recruit, Smokescreen. Because the Autobots had been so busy in their battle with the Decepticons and averting crises, they had put the rookie's teachings about living on Earth on the back burner, which soon came to a head.

One day, almost a week since the Damocles incident, Bumblebee and Smokescreen were racing down the roads of Nevada in search of an Energon signal, with the scout doing his best to make the rookie slow down, but the racer would only ignore him and laugh it off.

"Energon's signal's gettin' stronger." Smokescreen said into his comm. "About five kliks due north."

"<:Smokescreen, you need to slow down! There are speed limits that we need to obey on this planet!:>"

"What do you mean 'Speed Limit'?!" Smokescreen asked, not seeing why such things were needed. "I have a gauge in here that goes to 150! If the humans who designed my vehicle form didn't want it to go that fast, they shouldn't have given me the option!"

He then floored it, trying to see if he could go to the limit. Unfortunately, because Bumblebee had been trying to get him to slow down, he failed to warn the rookie that he was driving on the wrong side of the road, to which the racer just barely missed an on-coming vehicle, the two cars swerving to miss each other, and came to a halt.

The driver of the other car got out, angered, carrying a crowbar, not knowing that the vehicle wasn't a real race car.

"Hey! Indy 500!" The man shouted at the "driver", as he walked over to the car. "When I'm through with you, you're gonna need more than a pit crew to put you back together!"

This was a big mistake, for Smokescreen blew it by transforming right in front of the man, who could only stare in shock, as the rookie leaned down, getting in the man's face.

"Bring it!" He said, angered, causing the man to cower in fear and drop the crowbar. "Who's the tough guy now, huh?!"

Bumblebee, who caught up, honked and transformed, knowing that it was pointless to hide himself now, and jogged up to the rookie, shoving him back.

"<:Smokescreen! What in Primus's name are you doing?! We're supposed to keep ourselves hidden, and we are not supposed to harm the humans!:>"

But Smokescreen just laughed.

"Relax Bumblebee! I'm just messin' around!"

The man then got out his phone, snapping a picture of the two, to which Bumblebee tried to stop him, but it was no use.

They had been caught...


Later, at the base, Jack and Jessica, after being informed about what had happened, searched for the picture, and eventually found it. Miko had been grounded by her host parents, and Vince was at his dad's auto shop for a shift, leaving them the only humans at the base aside from Michael.

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