Chapter Twenty-Five

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POV: Apollo

I took a flight to support my parents while they held a press conference about the situation. I had mixed feelings about the whole thing. I knew what they did was wrong, but I also felt the loss they were going through. They made a dumb decision out of desparation. Still they had to make it right.

Throughout the press conference mom looks pale. They got caught with their pants down. They betrayed their loyal customers and tarnished the company's reputation. It was their own fault. They had to own up to it. For the first time they didn't feel secure. They didn't have their comfy reputation to fall back on.

I can already feel the outraged people's reactions as they watch the press conference. They admitted to the accusation, but no doubt they will get a good lawyer to save them from jail. I could understand they're outrage. They didn't sign up for their private information to be sold.

When the camera's turn off my wipes her wet under eyes with a tissue. "We don't deserve forgiveness," she says as she passes me. My father says nothing, but he pats my shoulder. I curtly nod at him.

The press conference is covered on every news program. All my social media is covered with the story and hate. Although I had no idea of the situation I felt as though I deserved it as well. I felt like I needed to be held accountable for their decisions as well. Maria was as shell shocked as I was. My parents made her sign a NDA. She gladly signed it and said she was a part of this family.

At school I cannot escape the questions of classmates. I feel suffocated. I didn't know how to answer people. I just said I can't discuss the matter. I spoke to Haven, but it was hard. She wanted to be there for me, but I didn't want to pull her into the shit storm I was in. Not only that, but I still needed to digest what happened at the Halloween party.

A couple days after the press conference I finished gym class. I've been slowly getting more focused. I felt a little better talking with Haven. As I leave the gym I'm met with the paparazzi in the school hallway. "What the fuck?" I ask. How the hell did they get in? Officers try to get them out and my bodyguard holds them back from getting close to me.

I look for my escape. Sadie catches my eye. She waves me over frantically. "Haven's this way!" She shouts. I skeptically follow her. She points to the janitor's closet that I met Haven in the other day when she apologized. "She's in there, hurry," she says, shoving me into the darkly light room.

When the lights snap on I expect to see Haven, but it's not her. I'm surprised to see Alexa with her camera out. She snaps pictures of us on her phone. She presses her lips against my cheeks and snaps more photos. "What the hell?" I ask and shove her off of me.

She runs into the janitor's supplies and I slip back out of the room. I rub the feeling of her lips off my face. My bodyguard helps clear a path between the photographers. "I need to get the fuck out of here," I say to him.

He nods and leads me out to my car. I feel like I'm being set up by Alexa and Sadie. I don't have time to deal with their dumb antics. I ring Haven's number. I refuse to be set up again. I won't hurt Haven again. The ring goes by a few times before she answers.

"Hello?" She asks.

"Alexa kissed my cheek in the janitor's closet." She goes quiet for a minute. "I pushed her off of me. Her and Sadie seem to be trying to get their five seconds of fame."

"I believe you," she breathes out. The tension in my body relaxes. "Don't worry about it."

I put the phone on speaker as I drive myself home. "There were a bunch of paparazzi in the school. Don't believe the media. I would never do anything to hurt you." I grip the steering wheel.

"Okay, for now on avoid them at all costs. They are trying to frame you as a bad guy in the media. You don't have to worry about me believing it. I trust you Apollo." Relief washes through me.

"Sadie told me that you were in the janitor's closet. She looked like she was trying to help me, but when I got in there Alexa ambushed me. She took photos of us and she kissed my cheek. I advise you to avoid them too. God knows what they're up to."

"Okay, I'll try to keep my distance. I'm sick of them. They are awful people. Who does stuff like that?" She asks, disgust is clear in her voice. I hear her gasp over the line.

"What? Are you okay?" I ask with worry.

"Alexa posted the picture with you. God, she left a lipstick print on your cheek. The press is trying to say you were hooking up with her in the closet," she rushes out.

I groan. "What the actual fuck?" I curse. "I'll talk to my lawyers and get the post removed. No doubt she's trying to get famous off of me."

"I'm so sorry Apollo. This is such a pain in the ass. Don't let it get to you." Through all of the chaos Haven makes me feel better. She's a light in the darkness. God, I miss her.

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