Chapter Sixteen

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POV: Haven

After ballet class I rush home to pack my bag. I pack my pink fuzzy pajama pants and my dad's t-shirt. I pack a change of clothes for the flight and an extra pair just in case. My eyes sting when I find the dress my mother bought me for Christmas. It was a bright red dress with a corset wiring. It's a noodle strapped dress that stopped above my knees. I pack a matching pair of red heels. Apollo told me that we would have time to get ready at the hotel so I packed my makeup, curling iron, and jewelry. When I'm satisfied I say my goodbyes to the boys and my uncle.

Apollo picks me up in his car and we drive to the airport hangar. The whole ride is me trying to keep my nerves under control. I've only been on a plane a few times. My family and I went to visit my grandparents in Minnesota when I was younger, but most of the time they flew here because it was cheaper that way.

The walk from the garage to the plane was short. My mouth parts when I see the plane. For some reason I was expecting some rinky dink plane that would make me hold on to handle bars, afraid I'll fall out of the sky. Instead the plane was one of the nicest jets I've seen. A flight attendant takes our luggage from us as we board the plane.

"Would you like a drink Mr. Laurant?" The blonde flight attendant asks.

Apollo nods his head before he answers. "Scotch," then he turns to me. "Do you want something Haven?" He asks me.

"Water?" I'm unsure what kind of drinks they are and Apollo must realize that because he chuckles.

'We have soda, water, alcohol, anything you want." I try to hide my surprise. I did not expect to fly so classy.

"Can I have Sprite please?' I ask the flight attendant. She nods curtly before walking further into the plane. "This plane is super cool," I say looking around the cabin in awe.

Apollo sighs looking around. "I suppose it is. I wouldn't know I never fly coach." The flight attendant returns with our drinks.

"Thank you," I say smiling. The plane begins moving and I sink back into my seat. The blinking lights come on, signaling that we need to fasten our seat belts. My fingernails dig into the armchair when the plane begins to lift off the ground. Apollo's warm hand slides over mind.

"Sorry I didn't realize you'd be scared of flying," he says, squeezing my hand. Warmth spreads in my chest. My stomach churns until the plane is steady flying in the air. The seat belt light turns off and Apollo returns to drinking his scotch.

The rest of the flight was spent talking with Apollo. He made me feel better and I didn't feel so scared anymore. If anything I looked out the window every five minutes. It was breathtaking. Seeing the world up above came when a whole other impression of it. We ate and by the time the plane began to land I the fear didn't return. Apollo joked about when he was a young boy, he thought of turbulence as a rollercoaster. He said he used to throw his hands up in the air and shout. But he also said he would get scolded right after.

Our luggage was brought to the car that was also one of Apollo's many cars. This one was a Rolls-Royce Wraith. I had a toy car of a Rolls-Royce when I was younger. I run my fingers over the smooth interior, enjoying the feeling of something so luxurious. The hotel is even nicer. Apollo got us a suite. Our rooms were across the room from us.

"This is beautiful," I say looking around the room. "Thank you, you didn't have to do all this." I mean this was amazing. I've never stayed at such a nice hotel before. However, I felt guilty knowing that it must have been so expensive.

Apollo slips the backpack off his shoulders. He looks me up and down. "Don't think too much into it. I wanted to take you here. Just enjoy it," he says grinning. I wiggle my fingers as I do as he says. Enjoy it.

I squeal when I see the time. I need to get ready ASAP. The only problem was that Addison wasn't here to help me. I had to do my own hair and makeup for the first time in a while. And I have to do it better than good. I have to do it amazingly. I wasn't going to a burger joint and a movie. I was going to a party with Apollo's parents (Whom I wanted to impress).

I rely on my skills from last year. My arms cramp up in pain as I curl my hair. My makeup is as good as it'll ever get. When I'm finished I sigh in delight. I looked good. I looked like myself. Not a Addision copycat or a depressed teenager. I looked like the girl before her parents died and her life went to shit.

I slip my red dress up my legs and zip up the back. I look like a million bucks. Did I feel like it? Not even a little bit. It felt like one big facade. A vegetable rotting from the inside out. The only time I felt the wound heal was when I was with Apollo.

A knock sounds on the door and I take a sharp inhale. "Coming!" I say, rushing to the door. I smoothe over my hips before pulling open the door. I'm met with my favorite brown eyes. They roll down my body. He licks his lips.

"You look gorgeous," he says, white knuckling the door frame. He leans in close enough for me to smell the mintyness of his breath and the muskiness of his cologne. I feel drunk off a whiff of him.

He pressed a soft kiss to the corner of my lip. I grab his chin before he can move away and peck his lips. It was a wimpy kiss, but I don't have time to be embarrassed because he pulls me until our mouths connect. My hands wrap up in his hair as his hands caress my shoulder blades. He forcibly pulls himself away from me. "We need to get going before we're late," he whispers against my earlobe. "Although, I wouldn't mind being late,"

My cheeks heat up. "No, we should go. It would be incredibly embarrassing to show up late the first time meeting your parents." Apollo frowns, but takes my hand and leads me out.

I stare up at the tall buildings in awe. It's beautiful. There are so many people on the sidewalks. All kinds of people from different walks of life. I press myself up against the window, wishing I could explore the whole city. My stomach starts to twist at the thought of meeting Apollo's parents, but I don't have a doubt that they are just as great as him.

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