Chapter Twenty-Two

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POV: Haven

Just like that everything blew up in my face. As soon as I let myself be happy it backfired. I feel betrayed. I feel like a fool. I trusted Apollo to not hurt me. I was an idiot. I should've trusted my instincts. Now I'm back to square one.

The night of the party, while Addie and I were dancing, Alexa came up to us. At first I thought she was there to appogize, but she came to rub it in my face that her and Apollo were fucking. She showed me screenshots of their texts. She claimed that they mostly talked on social media. She said if I didn't believe her then I should check his phone. I was flabbergasted and at first I refused to check his phone. I still didn't trust Alexa then Addison said it wouldn't hurt to look.

I found his phone on the kitchen counter. I knew his password and when I started snooping through his messages I was dumbfounded. There were texts from Alexa that same night. There were some naked pictures of her. I felt sick and I couldn't believe my eyes.

I haven't gone to school in a week. I'm dreading going back to school. I know my teachers are probably going crazy. They've already helped me get back on track and now I'm falling behind again.

I keep replaying the look on Apollo's face. He looked hurt and his voice was raspy. I wanted to believe him so bad. He was a good actor. The look on his face made me want to jump into his arms. Luckily Addie was there or I would have given in. No matter how hurt I was I needed to get as far away from him as I could.

I pull my blanket over my head to protect myself from the light pouring into my room. I feel broken again. The emptiness returns as if it never left. I wish I had my mom here to hold me. I used to get mad at her when she would try to comfort me. It embarrassed me. Now all I want is for her to crawl in my bed and rub my back. I can imagine my dad plotting Apollo's death.

I let the silence surround me. My whole life has gone to shit. I want nothing more than to restart. I would do things so differently. I would appreciate my parents more. I would have cared less about perfect, Landon Adams. I would have worried less about the future and focused on the now.

I feel like a hole has been punched through my chest. My throat burns as tears reach my eyes. I hate that I let this all get to me. I've been trying to become strong, but I'm now as weak as ever. My bed is covered with tissues and dishes are stacked all over my room. Even though I should hate Apollo I can't. Hell, I'm still wearing the hoodie he gave me. It smells like him and reminds me of all the special moments we shared together.

POV: Apollo

Haven hasn't been to school at all this week. This continues into the middle of November. I haven't seen her in a while, but my thoughts are consumed by her. Everything reminds me of her. I haven't been talking to anyone. I showed up to some classes to get my work, but that's it.

Meanwhile, my father has been pestering me to make a decision. What college did I want to go to? I have no idea. I wanted to know where Haven was going. I would desperately follow her. My indecisive answers didn't cut it for my father. He chewed me out about it.

I found myself wanting to drive past Haven's house. Would that be considered stalking? If so, I was going crazy.  I wanted to know how she was. I would ask Addison, but she was shunning me. I'm sure that if I would ask her she would kick me in the nuts.

Everyone acted as if they knew what happened between Haven and I. They thought I was sleeping around with her friends. It was a lie. I hated that she didn't believe me. It was a crock of shit. I never even looked at her friend, let alone slept with them.

The whole situation made me look in the mirror more. Was I an asshole? Did people think I was some player? Did Haven think that? I wanted to fix myself to her liking. I contemplated confession to something that I didn't do. Would she forgive me? When I thought about that more I realized that would be the dumbest thing to do. If I admitted to something I didn't do then it would damage the memories she has with me. I wasn't willing to do that.

I feel like I'm going through Haven withdrawals. I feel sluggish, sick, and more than anything I want Haven. I miss everything about her. I wanted to see her even if it was for a split second. I'm not sure how it would go. Would she hide from me? Would she run from me or to me?

Above all I feel betrayed. I feel betrayed by Haven. She thinks I'm a cheat. She didn't believe me when it really counted. Now she avoids me like the plague after I finally let myself be happy. I should have known it was too good to be true.

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