Chapter Thirteen

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POV: Apollo

Monday came fast and I took extra time getting ready today. I got excited thinking about seeing Haven in ceramics class. I lost my cool more than once Friday night. I lost it when I saw her in that tight dress. I lost it even more when I saw her huddling next to Landon Adams. Something about seeing her next to him made me want to slam him to the ground. The fact that she fantasized about dating him for years drove the knife in even deeper.

I don't know how it happened, but Haven Collins occupied every thought I had. I wondered if her aunt had spoken to her. How she slept at night. I wondered if she thought about me as much as I thought about her.

On the way to school I roll down the windows. Despite the chill in the air I decided I would hold onto the heat as long as it lasted. Mom, Dad, and Maria were all coming back this evening. Mom texted me yesterday, telling me that we would have dinner tonight. It was odd because we never eat as a family. We eat at different times because their schedules are full or I eat in my room to avoid the scrutiny.

The guys greet me in the hall when I arrive. "Are you going to say hi to your babe?" Aiden asks, cockily. I give him a smug look. These guys looked up to me for some reason. That only added to the pressure to look perfect at all times. Liking a girl like Haven made me vulnerable.

"She's not my babe," I say, rolling my eyes, but Aiden knows better. He was particularly interested in my love life.

Luca grins when he sees me. "Thank you for helping me this weekend. You know I hate pulling you guys into my family drama," Luca says shyly. Mario has been pestering him for years apparently. Now that I was here, I wasn't going to let that happen. Luca reminded me of my cousin Jeremy. It made me want to protect him, but I wasn't friends with him because of that. Jeremy hung out with the wrong crowd and in the end it ruined him.

"No problem. Just tell me if they show up at your mom's house again," I say and he answers with a 'I will'. "I gotta go. I need to look for someone," I say earning a smirk from Aiden and Denver. I nudge Aiden's shoulder before walking away, in search for Haven.

I spotted her sitting next to Addison at their regular lunch table. Luca let me in on a little secret. They all go to ballet class together. I didn't know that Haven was a dancer. I don't know a lot about Haven. Sure we had our little secrets, but that was about it.

Her eyes meet mine across the cafeteria and I signal for her to come to me. She nods profusely before excusing herself from the table. She looks gorgeous. Her dark hair is curled and she wore a white long sleeve with light jeans. "You look nice today," I compliment her.

A blush forms on her cheeks as she mutters, "Thank you." I notice how every guy eyes Haven like she's a piece of meat. "Why is everyone staring?" She asks, getting irritated.

"Because you're beautiful," I tell her and she grins while shaking her head.

"It's because my parents are dead." That catches me off guard. "You should have seen it on the first day of school. I was the talk of the town. It was even worse when I got into a fight with Sadie." Haven says her name with venom. I'm still kicking myself for dating that god awful woman. "I'm surprised you even talked to me today," she admits.

"Why?" I ask, confused.

She shrugs. "I don't know. I feel like I'm bringing your reputation down." That stings.

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