Chapter Eleven

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POV: Apollo

After setting out all the alcohol on the tables, people started showing up. It was like the same routine every weekend. Win the game and throw a party. Rinse and repeat. Everywhere I lived it was like that. It was the highlight of everyone's week. Everyone was thinking: What's going to happen at Apollo's party? Who will be there? Tonight is going to be the greatest! But to me all the parties were the same. Get drunk and party. For some reason that didn't stop me from throwing them every weekend of football season. I guess it felt familiar.

This party is different. I feel different. I tidied up my bedroom before anything. I didn't expect for anything to transpire between Haven and I. But I planned to steal her away for a moment. To see if she's okay. How her family is doing. When she was coming back to school. I just wanted to talk to her.

The football team shows up first with their plus ones. The whole time I was just thinking about how long it would take for Haven to show up. Forty minutes pass and the party is in full swing. Drinks are flowing, people are dancing, and I am waiting. I try to not make it obvious that I'm waiting for someone. So, I stand across the room, talking to Dever and Adian, secretly watching for Haven to walk through that door.

"Why do you keep looking at the door, Apollo?" Aiden asks with a sly grin on his face. "Expecting someone?" He asks, gleaming with suspicion. When I don't give me an answer he continues taunting me. "It's a girl, huh?"

"Mind your business, Aiden." I grumble. I can tell the guys are onto me. I've  never waited for anyone to show up to one of my parties. I never asked them about a girl. Even when I was with Sadie I never cared about her personal life.

"C'mon, QB, tell me," he whines like a child. No matter how much I liked the team they still got on my nerves. Right now I'm thinking about benching him.

"Nosy," I say before leaving him there. For the first time in my life I couldn't think of a comeback to say. All I could think about was why Haven was taking so long. Addison better have not been lying to me.

Ten minutes passed by and I kept drinking out of boredom. The longer I waited the more nervous and irritated I got. "Hey, Apollo," an annoying voice says behind me. I roll my eyes before turning around to see the culprit. Sadie. The biggest mistake I made while attending this school was dating Sadie. She's the definition of a crazy ex-girlfriend. He wants to know where I'm at, at all times. She intimidates every girl that walks up to me with just a glance. She still shows up to my parties even though I told her to leave me alone. And the saddest part is that she still thinks she has a chance.

"Sadie," I say, sighing. "I told you that you aren't allowed here anymore." I cross my arms like I'm her father, disciplining her. She's getting on my last nerve. I've got to get this girl away from me. "I told you it's over. I don't want you anymore," I say bluntly.

Her lips form a grim line. "But why?" She asks. "You broke up with me after the whole Haven incident. It was like you were mad at me for defending us."

"I broke up with you because you kicked someone when they were down. I don't like those kinds of people." I think back to the day when Haven and Sadie got into that fight. Sadie and I were getting a little handsy. I have to admit I was being a horn dog, but I also wanted to get under Haven's skin. I wanted to get a reaction out of her. I don't know why I did it, but I did. When I locked eyes with her all I could think of was if it was Haven's hands on my body. Sadie took it too far and I dumped her. That was it.

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