Chapter Twenty-Four

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POV: Haven

I gasp at the T.V. screen. Apollo and his family have been plastered over my screen all day. I'm shocked to see they are facing allegations of sharing people's information. They also are facing criminal charges. I can only imagine what they are going through right now. Especially Apollo; the innocent one in this.

Paparazzi caught Apollo coming out of school. He looked like a deer in headlights. His hair was wet and he quickly covered his face. My chest hurt when I thought of him finding out the news. Even though his and his parent's relationship was strained, he thought his family was trustworthy.

I wanted to reach out to him and make sure he's okay. He'd probably laugh in my face and block my number. That fear keeps me from reaching out. Yeah, I'm hurt, but I still care about him. I would never wish this upon him.

I decided to go to school the next day. I brush my hair and throw on some baggy clothes. I look like how I feel. I look like a mess and I feel like a mess. I slip on my shoes and throw on my backpack. I take the boys to school then race over to mine. When I make it in the school I search for Addie. She told me that she had something very important to tell me.

I spot her talking to Luca. Apollo must not be here yet. I jog over to her and she squeals when she sees me. "Hey, Have," she says, pulling me into a bear hug. She pushes me away and looks me dead in the eye. "I have something I need to tell you." I nod and she pulls me away from the group she was standing with.

"What happened?" I ask her.

"I was at lunch with the girls yesterday when Alexa sat down at the table. I went off on her for being a terrible friend and Lena told me something interesting. She told me that Alexa made up the whole thing. She created fake screenshots and stole Apollo's phone at the party. She wanted to break you two up." My mind spins as she tells me this information.

My eyes become watery. "And I believed her," my voice is shaky. "I didn't trust Apollo," my lips begin to quiver. I am such an idiot. That pained look on his face flashes through my mind. I'm such a fool.

"Haven it's not your fault. I encouraged you to look through his phone when you didn't want to. I should have told you to speak to him first," Addie holds my shoulders. "Don't blame yourself. It was convincing. You've never been in a relationship."

"But I should've asked him about it. Instead I broke his heart and framed him as a player." I search the hallway for him. "I need to find him and apologize."

I can see the camera's flashing from outside of the school and I know he arrived. A body guard leaves him when he makes it inside. He focuses on the ground so he doesn't see me when I grab his wrist and pull him into the janitor's closet. "What the fuck?" He asks before I flip on the light switch. His eyes widen when he realizes it's me.

"Hey," I say, letting my eyes wander his body. He's dressed like me and his hair is messier than usual. He says nothing. "I talked to Addie. She told me that Alexa set you up to break us up." He still says nothing. "I'm sorry for not believing you."

He exhales a deep breath. "Look, Haven," he starts. "I don't know what to say to you. You didn't believe me when I needed you to. I feel betrayed and honestly I don't forgive you." My heart breaks a little.

I nod my head. "I get it. I deserve it," I say looking at the ground. My visions become blurry. His warm hands slide across my cheeks and he tilts my head up. Hot tears drip from my eyes. I feel like an asshole. I didn't believe him and trusted a girl who prayed for my downfall.

"Please don't cry," his voice cracks. His eyes hold full sincerity. "I just need time to think. A lot of shit is happening in my life." He wipes away the tears on my cheeks.

"I'm so sorry, Apollo," I cry, trying to blink away the tears. He pulls my face into his chest. He rubs my back to comfort me. "I feel like I ruined everything. I'm such an idiot." A sob racks my body.

"Don't say that. You're not an idiot," he holds me close to him. I can feel the heat through his hoodie. "It's not over between us. I just need to get my life in control." He presses a wet kiss to my forehead. The bell rings and he finally lets me out of his grasp. "I'll call you, okay?" He asks and his eyes soften at the sight of my wet eyes. I nod once and we sneak back into the full school hallway. We part ways to go to class.

I feel like I let him down. Will he ever trust me again? Did I wreck what we had together? I wish I could go back in time and laugh in Alexa's face. None of this would be happening if I would've trusted him. I would be there for him as his family faces the mess they caused.

I keep my head down throughout the day. I apologize to all my teachers and they agree to work with me. I made a mistake and now I have to correct it. I will prove to Apollo that he can trust me. I will make my teachers proud. I will not be easily swayed anymore.

I will wait for Apollo how ever long it takes. If the roles were reversed he would try anything to win me again. That's exactly what I will do for him. The only thing I can do is let him know I'm there for him. That's what he would do for me.

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