Chapter Nineteen

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POV: Haven

Tuesday rolls around and I find myself dreading going to ballet. Ballet didn't excite me the way it did when I was younger. Before the car accident my mother would help me get ready for dance. She helped me put my hair in a perfect bun and helped me stretch so I was pre stretched before dance class. By the end of the class I would have a sheen of sweat covering my body. I would be exhausted yet I felt like I was on the top of the world.

Now it feels like I'm trying to be someone that I'm not. It feels like I pulled pieces of my old self into the new person that I am now. I feel caught between who I'm supposed to be and who I want to be. Who will I be in five years from now? In ten? Twenty? Thirty? Who will I be? Will I still be caught between myself or will I know who I am?

I stretch my legs and back. The feeling I used to feel while I stretched wasn't there. I missed it, but I know that I will never return. I head to ballet class with exhaustion from school already ruining my mood. I sat in the parking lot debating whether I wanted to go in or not. I look across the lot to see a fast food restaurant with a blinking open sign.

I look back between the ballet studio and the burger place. I don't even think as I flip the car into drive as I drive towards the fast food place. I go through the drive thru and order a plethora of food. I shovel the food into my mouth and listen to the radio.

When I'm halfway done with my food a couple pings come from my phone. I look up to see texts from Addison and Apollo.

Addie: Where R U?

Addie: Are you coming to class?

Addie: ???

Apollo: What are you doing right now?

I choose to respond to Addie first.

Me: I have a stomach bug. I can't come today.

I then text Apollo next.

Me: Shoveling my face full of fast food. How about you?

Addie texts me back immediately. I can tell she's suspicious.

Addie: You were fine at school. Are you playing hooky?

Me: Maybe ;)

Apollo texts me as well.

Apollo: Come over and bring some of that junk food of yours.

My stomach turns and I scarf down the rest of my burger. It's been a week since our escapade to New York. I still haven't come down from the high I got from that trip. It was perfect. I'm not sure anything will be able to top it.

The drive to Apollo's house was full of anticipation. I couldn't wait to see him. I've been dying for his attention. I wanted to be stuck to him like gum on his shoe. When I'm with him I feel different. I feel like I can be myself. Who ever that was nowadays.

Apollo meets me at the door. He spins me around in a huge hug. I squeal and clutch the bag full of food tightly. When he sets me on the ground he peppers kisses all over my face. I giggle and press a warm kiss to his lips. He hums and tightens his grip on my face. We rest our foreheads against each other.

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