Chapter 13

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I slammed the car door shut, angrily buckling my seatbelt. Trenton took his time walking to the car, not bothering with a seatbelt.

                I crossed my arms, glaring out the window as he pulled out of the parking lot, resting on hand on the back of my seat. My fingers dug into my skin with fury as I tried not to lash out at him.

                I was furious, to say the least.

                It was silent in the car as Trenton drove off of school grounds. The suddenly beautiful day turned into an ugly afternoon. I could almost feel my blood bubbling in anger. The fact that Sam seemed almost unfazed by my pain and anger didn’t help in the least.

                She was supposed to be my girlfriend. We were supposed to be for each other. She’s not supposed to go after every guy that walks by.

                I took a deep breath, releasing it slowly.

                Maybe I was making a big deal. They had only been talking. Maybe she was honestly interested in only becoming friends with Trenton. Maybe she had no intention of leaving me for him.

                And maybe pigs do fly.

                A wave of anger swept back over me. ‘Maybe’ wasn’t enough. From my eyes, I had clearly seen the flirtation between my girlfriend and my neighbor right. ‘Maybe’ wouldn’t settle. ‘Maybe’ was too small of a chance for it to be real.

                ‘Maybe’ wouldn’t do.

                Trenton pulled to a stop in the Wal-Mart parking lot. I blinked once, confused. Had I been that into my thoughts not to realize that he’d taken a different turn?

                He pulled the key out of the ignition, getting out. “You coming?”

                The tone of his voice annoyed me, but nonetheless, I follow out, “I guess so.”

                Trenton led the way into the store, stuffing his keys in his pants. I crossed my arms, following with an angry expression.

                We walked down the aisles, going into the food section. Trenton grabbed a jug of milk and two bags of chips. We walked back to the cashiers.

                “This is seriously all you came here for?” I snapped.

                He shrugged, “I needed milk. This was on the way.”

                I bit my tongue to hold back an angry response.

                Trenton threw in a pack of gum as he paid, leaving the store quickly. We walked back to the car in silence.

                I slammed the door once again.

                Trenton didn’t start the car, staring forward.

                “Are you going to go or do I have to walk home?” I hissed.

                “What got shoved up your ass?” He asked in a voice far to calm for the situation.

                “You did when you started flirting with my girlfriend.”

                Trenton raised an eyebrow, looking at me from the side. I kept my eyes forward, only noticing his movements from my peripheral vision.

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