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So we decided to go out for coffee this morning and just hanging out at the mall, just me and a couple of old friends. My phone rings and I see a message from my boyfriend Jay 'Come home love I have something to show you :* ' I smiled down at my
phone and said goodbye to the people I was with and started to head home. It had takes me a while to get there with all the traffic there was so I texted Jay and told him I was gonna be while, wow I finally got home after like an hour or traffic but I was ready to see what he had in store for me haha. I walked up to the door and opened it thinking nathan was going to be behind it, he wasn't. I looked around for Jay and looked down seeing and arrow made is sticky notes, I laughed at the idea that Jay had because only he would do something like this. The arrow was pointing up the stairs so I walked up, it lead me to the dark bedroom me and Jay shared. I turned on the light only to see the most beautiful and sweet thought anyone could have done for me. The walls were filled with pictures of me and Jay and all the times we have had together I've the last 3 years we had been together, each pictires had a notes attached to it with facts about why he loved me. I felt a tear tool down my cheek and I couldn't stop smiling at the sight but I quickly wiped the tear and turned around to see a fort made out for sheets next to the huge bed, I went inside and giggled as I went through it, I found Jay sitting patiently inside and he was holding some roses and I'm a tux. I stared at him for a bit and smiled going up to hug him, he pulled away " why did you do this bird? It's so beautiful" "Because you are worth it and because i love you Jasy" Jay said and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "But there is still one more thing you need to see"

Jay ran out of the room and down the stairs and into another room on the 1st floor, I laughed at him trying to get away from me but I ended up in the living room not knowing where he had gone. "Where are you jaybird?" I called out and heard a door slam, it scared me a bit even more because it was dark and the lights were off. I followed the door that slammed and saw a notes stuck on the door telling me to open the door, I opened it and was confused but as soon as the lights came on I was in shock at the sight I saw. 'Jayslen will you marry me?' Was what was formed on the wall with post-it notes, I felt myself smile as hard as I could and turned around to see Jay down on one knee holding a little black box with a beautiful diamond ring laying inside.
"Will you marry me and makes me the happiest man on the planet?" I could even speak a word, I nodded my head and threw myself into his arms. "yes I will jay...yes." I wispered in his ear and crying into his neck. He pulled away and kids me on the forehead "wow now I really am the happiest & luckiest man alive"

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