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I thought that everyone thinks of Bakugo as toxic why not make midoriya toxic?


Highschool AU:

"Isn't Midoriya and Bakugo like the cutest couple in Class 1-a!"

"Aww thanks Denki. Me and my cute Kacchan are happy you think so!" He ruffled his hair.

"I told you to stop calling me that you annoying shit!"

"Kacchan, stop being so angry, you're cute aren't you?"

"Oh fuck off!" Bakugo stormed out.

"Someone's feisty." Sniggered Denki and Mineta.

A certain facial expression rose upon Deku's face as if irritation was itching his face.

"Bakubro stop sulking, it doesn't matter that he called you cute."

"Shut up shitty hair! He's fucking embarrassing do you think I want people in our class to see me as cute."

"Hey Kirishima! Do you mind if I borrow my beautiful boyfriend?" Midoriya shook Bakugo.

"Oh yeah sure... I'll talk to you later Bakubro."

"Whatever shitty hair." He stuck his middle finger.

"Stop being rude to your friends baby." He began to stroke Bakugo's hair.

"Can you not fucking call me that! I'm tired of you emasculating me! Stop calling me that."

"Well... That's what I wanted to talk to you about... you're being a fucking brat. Embarrassing me in front of your friends? I don't want to hurt you."

"I just wanted to be treated as a man not a woman stop calling me beautiful and cute. That's not me and you know that."

"Stop Katsuki!" He slapped Bakugo.

"Y-y-you just hit me..." Bakugo began to stutter this was quite unusual the fiery hot headed boy silenced by his boyfriend.

"Baby. Don't test my patience or embarrass me again. You are my baby so stop complaining."

Bakugo looked upset as if he was broken in many different ways.

"Bakubro... why are you upset?"

"Just leave me the fuck alone." He began to walk away and go to the common room.

Only to see Midoriya talking to Denki and Todoroki.

"Hey baby! Come sit on my lap." He sickly smiled warning him with his eyes.

All katsuki wanted to do was get a snack and go to his dorm.

"Sure..." He was too scared to say anything but comply.

Izuku began kissing him and biting his neck.

"S-stop Deku." Katsuki began to whisper.

"Someone's touchy. Midoriya give the poor boy a break you're too touchy!" Denki began to laugh.

"Bakugo doesn't seem to have an issue does he?" Izuku glared at Bakugo.

"He clearly looks uncomfortable. Let go of him." Todoroki interrupted both Denki and Midoriyas conversation.

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