sugar daddy?

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Izuku's POV:

"I'm broke MINAAA!" I let out a huge sigh.

It's hard to be an in debt, college student who is studying medicine, and needs to buy certain items.

"Get a sugar daddy." She said.

"WHAT! STOP JOKING MINA." I spat the water out my mouth.

"I'm being serious. I have a sugar daddy. And he pays for everything I need. Nails, food, clothes, car, if you're lucky education fees." She laughed.

Is this really legit? What if it's a dangerous scheme.

"Don't be scared Izuku. I can get you one with my connections." She winked.

Should I really do this. What's the worse that can happen?

"Alright! Sure." I agreed.

"Great! Let me call my daddy. So I can get you one too."

"Hey daddy..." She cooed on the phone.

"Yes beautiful. What do you want?" Her sugar daddy spoke sweetly.

"Well... my bestie needs a sugar daddy... He's a guy by the way."

"Well. What's he like?" He asked.

"Cute. Decent height and smart."

"Alright. It's going to be a big favour for you to ask me that." He sighed.

"Please Kiri! Please..." She begged him.

"Anything for you baby. Let me speak to my friend, and I'll get back to you later."

"Love you Kiri!"

"Love you Mina." He cut the call.

"He seems nice..." I smiled at her.

"Yeah. But some aren't all like that some are demanding and annoying and ugly. I was just lucky enough to get the right kind."

"How long have you been a thing for?"

"A year." She smiled.

"Do you guys you know. Do any like..."


"Yeah that's the word." I blushed.

"Agh. You're cute Izuku. Wait and see..." She smiled.

"Do you actually like him..." I asked her because their dynamic is confusing.

"Of course I do! I have feelings for him... But I don't know if he feels like that with me."

"Aww, would you ever confess to him?" I asked.

"I don't know. I'm just happy the way we are now. I don't want to get greedy." She smiled at me and we left it as that.

I went back to my room to study for a test.


4 months later:

I was watching my favourite show All might and his adventures. It may be a kids show but I don't care. It's amazing!

"IZUKUUU! Guess what?" Mina came in screaming.

"What?" I asked perplexed.

"Get ready! Because we are about to meet your sugar daddy!" She smiled of happiness.

I forgot all about that. It's been so long.

"Oh. That... it's fine Mina."

"No you dumbass! Kiri begged his friend to get a sugar baby. And finally he gave in but he's waiting outside in the car! So hurry up and look nice." She yelled.

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