just a bet.

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heyyy guys, thanks for 17k please vote and comment. It really makes my day. I feel like I've been too nice y'all.

So get ready for some heartbreaking angst BUT ITS A LONG CHAPTER AS MY NEW YEAR PRESENT TO YOU *menacing laugh*

once again plsplspls comment I love responding to comments and hearing your opinions PLEASE PLEASEEEEE

anyways without further do I present just a bet:

Katsuki's POV:

Another boy's night out. Hosted at my house.

I had to buy these lame fuckers, a shit ton of pizza and snacks, Kirishima is bringing the alcohol. And that dunce face providing the games.

Not all the Class 1-A boys are coming. Just Denki, Kirishima, Sero and Mineta. Usually we have more dudes over but. Tonight. They have something to tell me.

Wonder what these dumb fucks are up to.

I began to chill on the couch using my phone, texting some chick from another school who wants to date me.

Not ugly looking per-se. But I'm entertaining it for now. Because I'm not bored. Just to kill time and shit.

By the time I get into a deep conversation with the chick. These late fucks have started rolling in.

"About damn time!" I roll my eyes.

"Way to greet your guest Bakugo!" Denki laughed.

"Whatever, take off your shoes and come to my room." I sigh.

I begin to lead the way, and hop on my bed.

"Damn, Bakugo your room is so big! What do you do with all this space?" The ball looking boy looked amazed.

"I don't know. I just do whatever I feel like." I answered honestly and took a slice of pizza.

"What is with you and this American shit?"

"Shut it Dunce face. I'm not cooking shit for you lame fuckers. So eat this or starve." I yelled.

Like the bunch of animals they are, they indulged in the delicacies, beverages and carbs that I had lying around. Anything edible was consumed by these creatures.

"You fucking fat asses! Stuffing shit in your faces."

"Well...yeah! It was delicious."

"Whatever. Just tell me whatever the fuck you needed me for."

"Well. We have a challenge for you." Mineta said plainly.

"Then spill it. Tiny dick."

"Fuck you. Anyways. Word has it Izuku Midoriya has a crush on you. It seems to be blossoming quite beautifully. But why not cease the moment out of this."

"He's had a crush on me since fucking kindergarten. Anyways get to the fucking point."

"150,000 yen. To fuck Midoriya. I'm sure he's a virgin. However, it shouldn't be too difficult? You know since your Katsuki Bakugo."

"I don't fucking like being involved with men and that shit." I complained.

Like I am bisexual, but most cases I'm attracted to women than men.

"Don't you want to do the challenge? I'll thrown in a surprise aswell." He smirked devilishly.

"Sure! Fine! Why the fuck do you want me to do this for?"

"I'm all for the childhood friends to lovers trope. Or I'm just lying and I just hate that fucking faggot for getting me suspended for a week. So why not let him get a taste of embarrassment."

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