prototype pt.3

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Since you guys like prototypes one shots let's do another one.


"hi sweet cheeks! how are you doing today?"

"don't call me sweet cheeks and I'm doing fine. I just have to do some work."

"what work? I can help you since I'm good at homework."

"Yes I know Bakugo you're insanely smart and I'm stupid. I don't need your help."

"Are you ok cutie? Im sorry if I made you upset."

"you did. Leave and just do the rubbish you always do."

Bakugo then walked away and went to talk to kirishima.

"You ok Bakubro you look tired."

"Dude, I fucking am tired I had a small argument with Deku. Because he thought I was trying to brag about being smart."

"Dude maybe you can come off as what's the word."




"You are smart However that's not it the word I was looking for was optimistic."

"Optimistic? Well I guess I can be that."

"Ok. You are very optimistic with Deku and due to the fact you guys are opposite there will be some clashes, and this was one of them."

"I feel like I should just apologise."

"But you don't need to apologise dude. Just next time tone it down a notch!"

"Tone it down? He likes me for me bro."

"Ok you do whatever you want. You owe me a meatball sub from the cafeteria you are buying me one."

"Ugh fine! You are an annoying shit for holding that against me." Bakugo began to laugh.

"Ha! Bro that's what you get for making us loose the tournament now you gotta pay for all the boys!"

"That's not my fucking fault! It was midoriyas fault for being so horny."

"He doesn't know you swear you act like a perfect angel around him, should I tell?"

"You wouldn't fucking dare do that you shit ass hair."

"I would! Should I expose things you say on a daily basis when he's not around?" Kirishima began to laugh.

Then began play fighting and midoriya was watching.

"Why are they always so touchy... am I not good enough for him."


Katsuki and the boys were all lining up and Midoriya was next to kacchan.

"Sooo how did that work/test of yours go?" Katsuki smirked holding dekus waist.

"Stop kacchan. I don't like people seeing us touchy and I failed."

"Wow next time you-"

"Bakubro come over here!"

Bakugo left Deku and went to him.

"We want our meatballs subs now."

"Fuck you." He rolled his eyes.

"That'll be 100 dollars."

"What did you guys order?!?"

"Wait and see."

Bakugo and the boys sat on their table and were talking about random shit.

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