closeted pt 2

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Katsuki's POV:

Fuck. I just outed myself. Fuck.

"So you're gay?" Izuku looked at me.

"Y-y-yes but I'd like to keep it private..." I admitted.

"Heh. So you've been bullying Midoriya all this time. But you have a crush on him. People like you make me sick. Stay away from my boyfriend." He pulled Deku away from the lunch hall and they left.

He's not having Deku so easily. I will have him.

The rest of the day in school was boring. I was with   mineta. He kept talking about ass and boobs and which of those magazine chicks were the hottest.

"Bakugo. Do you prefer ass or boobs?"  Mineta  asks me.

"Neither." I rolled my eyes. I like men.

"Are you gay or what? How can you say neither!" Mineta laughed.

"I'm fucking not gay!" I yelled out loud. Midoriya overheard and looked at me with an upset look.

"Chill it was a joke. No need to get so defensive I know you're not gay."

"Whatever." I got up and left. I went home and laid on my bed thinking.

What should I say to the nerd. I need him to leave icy hot.

Let me just act like myself.

"Hey nerd." sent 15:55pm.

It's been about an hour and he still hasn't responded...What do I do? He must be ignoring me. So this is what it feels like to be on delivered.

I wait and wait just staring at my screen illuminating light. Hours are passing and he hasn't fucking responded.

What could he be doing. I began to doze off as my eyes grew tired of the harmful light penetrating my eyes.

Until I heard a ping.

One new message from nerd.

"What do you want?" 23:06pm

This fucking nerd. I can't believe I'm acting this desperate that I'm going to respond immediately.


"That's no way to say hello to me.😉"

"You're a dick. You pretended like our kiss was nothing then ghosted me. You're lucky I'm even giving you a response."

"I didn't fucking understand my feelings for you back then! I was in denial..."

"It seems like you still are, after you shouted at Mineta."

"I'm sorry. I just don't want to be seen differently."

"I just don't want to be with you. Okay? Leave me alone. I'm dating Shoto."

"You wish it was me. Don't you? I'll give you all your deepest desires."

"I said no! Leave me alone. I won't get played by someone like you."

*you have been blocked by this number*

He blocked me... Does he dislike me that much?

What am I going to do. I sighed laying on my bed thinking about what to do.

I am the jerk in this situation and I deserve all the insults being spewed at me.

If only, I was honest like that icy hot bastard with my feelings. I'd imagine how me and the nerd would be like.

"Kacchan! Thanks for taking me on this date. I love it and I love you!" He hugged me smiling.

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