my darling

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Izuku's expecting 9 months.

"Agh my back. Hurts so bad..." He whined.

"Sit down honey. Take it easy..." Bakugo began to lift his bump to make the pain feel better.

"I want your child out now Katsuki!" He began to complain.

"Just relax baby... It'll be out sooner than you know it. I hope it'll have a burning fire like me."

"I hope so too... But I just want it out!"

A few days later Midoriya successfully gave birth to a baby boy named Miko.

"Isn't his green eyes adorable."

"Yes. Just like yours..." he kissed Dekus and Mike's forehead.

"How do you feel Deku?"


"You'll feel better soon."

But he didn't everyday midoriya would have to wake up feed the baby or change it and Bakugo wouldn't do anything.

The baby began to cry!

"Kacchan could you get him?"

"I'm busy babe!" He yelled from the other room.

"I never get fucking sleep. What does Miku need. I think he needs to change his diapers..."

He sighed at the fact parenthood wasn't easy.

"Kacchan. I'm tired of you not helping I feel like fainting..."

"I'm sorry... I'll try be a better father and partner."

"Good. I'm going to sleep."

Bakugo was a good father. He ended up always changing and feeding him despite the fact he had work the next morning. While midoriya had his beauty sleep.

Time skip.

Miku was 4 and was exactly like Deku extremely shy and overly sensitive.

"You've got to go to school Miku." Bakugo sighed.

"N-n-no!" He began to cry and hold his dad's hand.

"Come on! Let's go in and see how it's like."

He brought him in but Miku just hid behind his dad not wanting to socialise.

"What the fuck..." he muttered under his breath.

"Ok stop being so weak. And get your ass to class." Bakugo began to complain tired of being all soft.

Miku shook his head refusing to enter.

"Is there a problem?"

"My son doesn't want to enter. I've tried everything."

"I can try speak to him..."

"That would be helpful."

"Hey bud! Let's be brave and enter school. So we can be heroes! What do you think buddy?"

He just shook his head and grabbed onto his dad.

"I'm not sure, maybe we bring him back tomorrow but let's get him quirk tested."

Bakugo carried Miku into the doctors room.

"Do you and your partner have a quirk."


"Does your family have quirks?"


"Well you're child is quirkless there seems to be an anomaly."

BakuDeku One Shots (Sensitive Topics )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon