fucking cheater.

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"who you messaging nerd ? it's 2 am in the morning... shouldn't you be fucking asleep." The blonde yawned to the greenette.

"oh kacchan! I was just messaging all might! We are planning um... a secret MISSION!" he said muttering under his breath.

"then what's the mission nerd?" intrigued to know more about this mission

"well it's confidential and just because we're dating doesn't mean I can tell you kacchan..."

"I won't tell anyone spill it nerd..."

"NO! It's private and confidential. I don't go snooping into your business, do I katsuki?"

"fine.. be a bitch then."

"night kacchan."



small giggles escaped the grenettes mouth while still remaining the constant gaze on his phone his fingers moved as if he played in a piano recital.

this obviously annoyed bakugo as he did not know why the hell dekus been so jumpy.

"what's so funny nerd?"

"oh ummm just saw an all-m-m-might meme."

"show me then."

" whoops! I just refreshed my page so I can't see it...sorry."

Suspicions grew as Deku constantly moved quite odd, distant but somewhat happier...

it was time for katsuki to be a detective. luckily he had no shifts today so he was free and was able to be the next Sherlock.

"nerd where you off to?"

"oh I'm going to see all might, I'll be coming home late don't wait up for me!"

"sure stay safe nerd."

as soon as dekus white Range Rover left.( specially bought by bakugo)

"It's fucking. Go. Time."

"why is he at the todoroki residence... maybe he needs endeavour."

a phone call from hero department

"Mr Bakugo you are needed ASAP! Please come immediately."


Deku POV
I bang on the door in hopeful waiting for him to respond.
i feel super bad about this but the past few weeks have been amazing! we've been messaging day and night. which causes katsuki ask a lot of questions.

but I love kacchan but todoroki makes me feel amazing the little time we had together was intoxicating a drug that I just couldn't stop taking.

drugs aren't meant to be healthy but you know the risks and dangers and the effects are worth it..

if kacchan finds out he'll kill me im scared of his reaction.

"I've missed you Midoriya." He stroked midoriyas pale cheek slowly showing a slight smile

"you think I don't mess you?"

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