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"So... besides educating the six year old on the anatomy of her dolls, what other mischief have you been up to?" Cristina snapped as she crossed her arms across her chest.

"We were discussing the fine art of eating spaghetti, the intricacies of lego creations, and the difference between the yellow-green crayon and the green-yellow crayon." Derek replied immediately as he nodded his head.

[i]Sharp... very sharp, this Just Derek.[/i]

"Clever." Cristina said as she glanced to Zoey. "Have you given any inclination as to the identity of a particular side dish..."

Hey! I am not a vegetable!

"Firstly, I'd agree that she is quite a dish, maybe it's not appropriate to refer to her as 'Mer-shed taters' or 'Carrot top'. She's in there, Cris." Derek said softly as he watched Cristina stare back at him with a scowl.

Thank you, Just Derek...Derek...I think.

"You've been here for quite a while." Cristina nodded. "Do you really think the psychiatric ward of a hospital is where you should be hanging out with a six year old?"

"Well, that's what I wanted to discuss with you." Derek said with a sigh as he sat back. "I think Meredith should be moved to a different floor." He said matter of factly.

"Oh, you do, do you?" Cristina laughed.

"I do." Derek nodded.

"And what floor do you think she should be moved to.


"Surgical?" Cristina laughed.


"Yes... because I don't think what is wrong with her is something to do with depression... she needs more tests done."

"No." Cristina said as she started to stand up.

"Cristina?" Derek asked.

"No tests... absolutely no tests." Cristina argued.

"How can you say that, she's your best friend..."

"She's my best friend, but I'm not about to get this hospital sued... You have no idea how badly I want to do those tests, Derek... you have absolutely no idea how hard I have fought with this hospital to have one simple MRI done... one CT scan... there will be no tests unless it is absolutely necessary!" Cristina exclaimed.

"Wow." Derek said as he watched her reddened face as she leaned toward him.

"What?" She grunted angrily.

"They've really scared you..." He whispered.

"I've been threatened on every level, Derek. I have no say in the matter."

"Except that her mother is dead."

"Her mother is dead... but her lawyer is still alive... and he has a very good memory... and as long as there is money in that trust fund, her mother made it abundantly clear that absolutely no tests were to be done.

"She shouldn't be on this floor, Cristina."

"You don't have to tell me that." Cristina said as she stood up. "Visiting... visiting hours are over, Derek... you guys should go..." She said anxiously as she looked down at the little girl and then back to Derek.

Don't make them go!

"We'll be back tomorrow..." He said, watching Cristina avoid eye contact. "Zoey, why don't we get going... we have a lot of work to do to decorate your room." He said as she looked up and smiled.

"Yeah! Decorations!" She said as she jumped up and grabbed her dolls.

She is so freaking adorable!

"Put your toys in your bag and then say goodbye to Sleeping Beauty." He said as he watched the little girl hop over to her bag and start putting her things away. She put her toys away and Derek watched Cristina as her eyes remained on her friend for the longest time.

"Cris." Derek said as he watched Zoey walk over to him and hold her arms up for him to lift her. He lifted her into his arms as Cristina looked up at him. "What is that thing that you always said about interns...about their brains..." He said as he stepped close to the bed.

"I said that interns brains are like swiss cheese... hard, full of holes... and when you say something, it goes into one ear, bounces around for a few minutes but it never fails to fall right out the other." She replied as she watched Derek hold the little girl over Meredith as she leaned in and kissed her cheek. She whispered something soft to Meredith and pulled back as Derek lifted her into his arms and leaned down to pick up Zoey's back pack. "Why do you ask?"

"Consider this the first day of my internship." He said quickly as he walked toward the door and turned around as he waved, letting Zoey wave as well, as he pushed himself and Zoey out the door, leaving Cristina standing surprised as she watched the door close behind them.

Kick ass!

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