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Derek walked down the hallway slowly, looking around for the little girl as he listened to the sound of the television chattering away. "Zoey?" He said, trying not to sound too worried, he looked to the door and noted that it was still locked. "Zoey, sweetheart?" He called. He glanced to the floor where her half eaten bowl of ice cream sit, her toys were gone from the spot where they were beside her and there was no answer. "Zoey?" he called as he walked toward the stairs, climbing them slowly as he called her name again.

He was answered by silence as he walked toward her room, noticing that it was dark, he glanced in his room and a couple other rooms as he called her. "Zoey, where are you hiding, little girl?" He called as he entered her room, immediately noticing the light beaming from under the closet door. "Zoey...?" he whispered as he heard the sound of her very low hushed voice as she talked quietly.

"Hush..." He heard her say, her voice low and soft. "DD is coming..." She said as he walked into the room and up to the closet door.

He knocked on the door lightly. "Zoey?" He said , his voice displaying his anxiety as he waited for her to reply. "Zoey, are you in there, sweetheart?" He whispered.

"Um..." She said, her voice a little louder as she shuffled things around in the closet. "Yes, I'm in here... just a minute..." She said as her shuffling became a little more frantic. "Just a minute..." She said as suddenly, the door opened and she stepped out quickly, closing the door behind her. "Hi." She said with a shy smile, the room was dark but for the light from beneath the closet and the light of the hallway. Derek was feeling very anxious about this strange, secretive behavior and took a very slow, steady deep breath.

"I thought you were watching your movie..." Derek asked softly as he tilted his head and watched a sense of surprise wash over her face that he hadn't asked why she was in the closet.

"Oh, I was..." She said, walking past Derek, she slipped out of the room. He listened as her little feet padded down the stairs toward the television and he heard the movie turn back on.

He paused for a moment as he stood in front of the closet door, on the cusp of being curious and feeling guilty about it, he tried to stop himself, but his hand reached out for the closet door and opened it slowly. Sitting in a little circle, but for a spot for Zoey, were her three favorite toys, one or two Barbie dolls and a stuffed animal or two. In the middle of the circle sat her backpack, the one that Mark had brought to her. It was packed full of something, and Derek couldn't imagine what. He swore at himself for his curiosity, and crouched down to the bag. He lifted it up and thought for a moment that this wasn't his, this wasn't his to go into.

He pushed his thoughts aside and instead of letting the little girl have her privacy, he unzipped the tiny bag. Within the bag was a small blanket, haphazardly knitted, and very well worn. He brought the blanket to his nose, smelling its mustiness, with just a slight hint of sweetness. He pulled out a small box, opening it with his fingers, he found a pendant, silver and worn with the letter 'M' etched in a swirling, beautifully scrolled font. He then saw a small picture frame, shoved haphazardly to the bottom of the bag, its frame was worn and well loved, the picture protected by the glass. The picture was of a younger, healthier looking Meredith holding a small bundle in her arms, staring at her child with such love and adoration, that Derek became lost in the picture. There was so much love in her eyes, so much love and care, and fear in her eyes, and he became so lost in the picture, that he didn't notice the small figure in the doorway of the closet behind him.

"DD!" She exclaimed. "That's mine!" She shouted, startling him. The picture slipped from his hands and he reached forward to catch it, feeling it slipping from his fingertips as it fell to the ground, its frame and glass covering shattering on impact of the hardwood floor of the closet. He heard a sharp intake of breath from the little girl as she watched the picture frame shatter, his own heart shattering with hers as she stared at the broken pieces settling on the floor. "No!" She screamed. "No! No!"

"Zoey..." Derek whispered.

"Bad, DD!" She screamed as she turned and ran from the room, her tiny feet pounding down the stairs as hard and as fast as she could move them.

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