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Derek helped Meredith through her exercises, talking to her the entire time as his lunch hour slowly grew to a close. "I'm going to have to get going, Meredith..." He said softly as he felt her hand clamp onto his slightly.

"I will bring her to you... right after school I have about three hours off before my shift starts again." He smiled at her as he noticed her eyes were staring straight into his. "Izzie is going to watch her for me tonight. Don't worry, she'll be in good hands."

Man hands.

"I will have Izzie bring her to the hospital in the morning tomorrow, before school to see me so that I can walk her to school..."

If Izzie is watching her, and you're working, who will do my exercises with me? Who will keep me company? Who is going to tell me who is sleeping with who in the hospital? Derek... what will I do with all of my free time?

"You know..." Derek said as he watched her eyes. "You get this little look in your eyes sometimes when I'm talking... and I know you want to say something to me... but this particular look... I don't know...it's a little more playful than the other looks you give me... are you making fun of me?" He whispered as he leaned on the bed, looking down at her.


He could see the smile in her eyes, he could sense the giggle in her body that wouldn't allow it to escape. "I bet when you start talking again... you're never going to shut up." He said with a chuckle.


"That's good to know." He said with a smile. "I was thinking... and I don't know what you think of this... but Zoey... I am sure she'd like to communicate with you. And... since you've gone all military on us with your superior Morse code knowledge... maybe we could make it a little easier on her... maybe we can say like... one blink for yes... two blinks for no."

'Three for... I love you.' Her eyes communicated back to him as he smiled.

"That sounds good..." He said as he squeezed her hand.

"I may need your help with this, Meredith." He whispered as he settled back on the bed again. "Cristina has... well, let's just say that she's earned an Oscar for her performance as a mean, nasty resident... she's trying to hold back the rumor mill, and make it look like I'm anything but competent and trustworthy." He whispered. "But if we find something in those scans... we're going to have to figure out how to do an MRI legitimately... so... we may need some acting on your behalf..." He said as he watched her eyes carefully. "Are you up for the task?" He asked.

She blinked once and his eyes lit up as he watched hers light up as well. "You may not be able to talk... but I bet your wit is quicker than mine." He said, watching her blink once more. "You're laughing at me, aren't you?" He laughed. One blink.

"I really should go..." He said softly as he stood up and smiled down at the woman lying in the bed. She blinked twice and he smiled. "I'll be back later..." He said as he watched her eyes droop. "Get some rest... and Zoey will be here before you know it." He said as he kissed her cheek softly, and with a smile as he moved toward the door. "Don't worry... you're not going to miss me, are you?" He said with a small laugh as she blinked once, twice. He laughed softly as he left the room, closing it securely behind him.

Three times.

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