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"You have absolutely no idea the extended family that Barbie has." Derek said as he and Mark sat in chairs across from one another as they watched Zoey play with her dolls on the floor. "I mean... there's Barbie, Ken, Stacie, Skipper... and like seven billion other brothers and sisters... she has..."

"Barbie is stacked." Mark said, nodding his head as he stared off into space, not really talking to Derek specifically.

Oh... I have one who is over sensitive, and the other is undersexed... and these are my daughter's influences?

"Then she has her Beach house, her condo... her castle, her winter house..."

"I think she had a boob job though, you know?" He said as he lifted one of Zoey's Barbie and held the doll in his hand, turning it, he looked to make sure Zoey wasn't looking and lifted it's shirt. "Yeah... she definitely had those lifted... I should know, I'm in plastics..." Mark said matter of factly.

Yes... Any thoughts of these two being a couple have been stricken from my mind... This Mister Mark is definitely not gay.

"Give me that!" Derek exclaimed as he pulled the doll from Mark's hand.

"So we're playing with dolls now?" The sarcastic sound of Cristina's voice dripped into the room as both men's heads turned.

Oh Cris, don't ruin my fun...

"What do you want?" Mark asked with a sarcastic smirk as he watched Cristina step into the room.

"I'm checking in on my friend... what are you doing here?"

"Formally meeting Meredith..." He said as he stood up.

"Doesn't your shift start... five minutes ago?"

"It might..." Mark said as he stepped close to her, staring down at her as he smirked, watching her glare on him follow him around the room.

"Mister Mark was just telling us about Barbie's boob job." Zoey said as she looked up at Cristina.

HAHA! YOU DID NOT JUST SAY THAT! Oh... If I could just see the look on his face right now!

Derek burst out laughing as Mark began to turn red. He took a step back and glanced down to Zoey, who was looking up at Mark with a bright smile. "I... have... to go..." he nodded as he blew a kiss to Zoey. "See you later Monkey girl..."

"Bye, Mister Mark!" She exclaimed with a happy smile as Mark disappeared out the door.

"Boob job, Derek?" Cristina asked, trying not to laugh as Derek shook his head as he continued to laugh.

"I didn't say a word... I didn't say a word!" He laughed as Cristina sat down in the chair that Mark had previously occupied.

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