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Derek was about to step into Meredith's room, a brown bag in his hand when he was grabbed from behind. "What the... Cris, what the hell do you want?" He said with an almost angry scowl as he turned to face Cristina as she looked down the hallway to see if anyone saw his outburst.

"Is that any way to talk your superior?" She asked, raising her eyebrows at Derek as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"I'm on my lunch break... you're no more my superior to me on my lunch break than my thumb is to my middle finger." He said as he gave her a demonstration.

"Oh, that was clever... where'd you come up with that one? A monkey teach you?"

"Alright, Cris... let's get back to the question at hand. What the hell do you want?"

"What crawled up your ass and died, Doctor Shepherd...? I wanted to know if you had found a babysitter for mini Mer yet..."

"You mean Zoey?" He asked, raising his eyebrows with an irritated scowl.

"Yeah... duh..." She sighed.

"No, I haven't found a babysitter yet..." He said with an irritated sigh. "Maybe I'll just drag her around the hospital with me... traumatize her a little more... it seems you'd like that... you can't call her by her name, you give me a days notice of having to be on call... and then, you put me on call for two nights in a row... you know I have responsibilities, I thought we had an agreement, and understanding... but I see now that I was wrong... you're just as spiteful and nasty as the chief... you don't give a shit about Meredith or her daughter... you're an awful friend and if I were her, I'd figure out a way to talk just so that I could tell you how much of a bad friend you really are." He growled.

"You know, Derek..." She said, barely even affected by his words. "I think I may have found you a babysitter..." She said with a smirk, just as he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Hey guys!" Izzie said with a happy smile.

"Cris... no..." Derek whispered under his breath.

"Izzie... what are you doing tonight?" Cristina asked.

"No..." Derek growled under his breath again.

"Nothing... why?"

"Derek is looking for a babysitter for Zoey... He's on call... you interested?"

"Cristina!" Derek growled.

"Sure..." She said with a grin. "Oh... but I have to check on Meredith... she needs her meds and therapy before bed..."

"Don't worry about that, I'll make sure Doctor Shepherd takes care of Meredith on his rounds." She said with a smirk as Izzie nodded.

"Okay!" She said with a smile as she glanced to Derek. "I just have to finish up here with Mer's afternoon therapy, and I will catch up with you, Derek..." Izzie said with a smile.

"Actually..." Cristina said with a smile. "Why don't you come with me to my office... I'll get you Derek's information... he'll take care of Meredith's therapy instead of taking his lunch break... he's a committed doctor..." She nodded with a faux serious look on her face.

"Cristina..." Derek sighed.

"Okay." Izzie said with a perky smile. "I'll meet you down at your office..." She said as she turned and faced Derek. "I'll see you later, Derek..."

"Bye, Izzie..." Derek said politely as she disappeared down the hallway.

"Oh my GOD... you did NOT just do that to me!" Derek growled at Cristina as he took a step toward her just as she grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him down to her level.

"Listen to me, Doctor Shepherd." She said as she watched a couple doctors walk past her looking nervous as she threatened Derek. "Say one more word and you're going to have more than your share of things to do tonight while you're on call... one more word and you're cleaning out the MRI room when everyone has gone home... one more word... and you'll be cleaning that room from top to bottom... inside the machine... outside the machine... you'll be everywhere... in the control room... everywhere... dusting... everything... hell, you could even get Meredith to help you scrub the inside if you want... I don't give a crap..." She said, her eyes sparkling as she shook her head and gave him an angry glare. "One... more... word..." She growled.

Derek smirked. He could read her eyes loud and clear, the look on her face said everything as he swallowed hard. "Bitch." He whispered, reaching his hand up, he uncurled her hand from his labcoat, turned and walked into Meredith's room, closing the door behind him.

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