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Life is full of need. From the day you are born, you rely on other people. You need someone to feed you, to give you water, to clean you, to hold you. You need someone to clothe you, to keep you warm, to smile at you, to coddle you, to discipline you, to teach you, to protect you.

The day you are born, you are nothing but a wrinkled bundle of flesh and bones that relied upon the souls of the people that surround you to protect you from the unknowns and fears of the world. The day you came into this world, you were cold, afraid and alone until the moment that your mother's flesh touched your own, and you could feel that connection, that hunger, that need for closeness and happiness and contentedness.

Derek held the little girl in his arms, pausing for a moment in the hallway as he watched the little girl's eyes as they stared off into the living room as the sounds from the room became quieter as all eyes were on the stranger and the little girl.

"Hey everyone!" Mark said with a bright grin as some people said hello, but most of the eyes were still on Derek and the excited little girl in his arms who had called him 'daddy'.

Derek leaned forward and whispered in her ear. "I told you they were coming." He said as she turned her face toward him, her cheeks were turning red as her blonde pigtails swung and dangled as her eyes met his. She leaned in and pressed her lips to his ear as she whispered.

"I forgot." She said as Derek smiled and whispered in her ear, fully aware of the stares he was getting.

"Didn't you see all the cars?" He whispered.

"I didn't notice." She whispered back as Derek smiled at her. "I was too excited to see you..." She said as she smiled at him.

"Do you want to meet everyone?" He whispered in her ears, his cheeks burning as he smiled at the little girl as she moved her lips to his ear again.

"Yes, please." She said as she turned her head, her pigtails swinging a little more as Derek lifted her to the floor. "Can you please hang up my coat, DD?" She asked as she pulled her coat off her shoulders, trying to not act nervous as she listened to the whispers in the other room.

"Of course." He said with a smile as he took her coat hang hung it by the door on the coat rack.

"I think I'm ready now." She said as she swallowed and looked up at Derek, her smile was soft and her eyes were filled with bravery. "We practiced... so we're ready..." She nodded.

"Right..." Derek said with a laugh as he took her hand. "We practiced..." He said with a smile as he walked into the living room reluctantly, Zoey's hand giving his a squeeze for support as they entered the living room.

"Hi everyone..." Derek said as he felt Zoey squeeze his hand. "There's someone I'd like to introduce to you." He said with a smile as the tiny spirit tugged his hand and smiled, her bravery swelling within her belly as she faced her newest family members.

That child that you were knows no love in the moment it comes into the world. You knew nothing about the fears and anxieties that you would face in the future. You knew nothing of the happiness you would feel, or disappointments that you will be victim to when you grew into the person that you were to become. A blank slate without a name, you grace the world with your presence and everything happens so fast, that before you know it, you are living the life of someone that you never thought you'd become, and learn as you grow older whether you have become a success or a failure in a world that your parents pulled you into.

Most children emerge from their womb head first, a testament to how your parents expect you to face the world. Head first. Dive in. Your first cries are due to the bright lights, the loud noises, and the cold wet feeling of the afterbirth as your skin hits the air of the room, where you feel a pinch of pain as your umbilical cord is cut, and you are sent on your way to a world of blurry sights and loud sounds and tests that will conclude with the decision of whether you are perfect or not.

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