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Derek held the little girl in his arms and rocked her gently as she cried. The flight attendant called security and arranged for a security guard to keep an eye on Derek as he tried to calm the little one in his arms. Derek cradled her softly in his arms as he gently rubbed her back, her breathing slowing, her hand moving to her mouth as her thumb slipped between her lips. Her other hand gripped Derek's shirt tightly as her head rested on his shoulder as her crying slowly stopped.

Derek started out pacing slightly. His feet wearing themselves into the carpet of the waiting area near the gate that they were going to be leaving from. He walked back and forth gently rocking the tiny girl with full knowledge that the security guard in the corner was watching them closely. He began to bounce her just slightly in his arms as she continued to suck her thumb quietly, every now and again letting a sniffle out. He walked and bounced her slightly in his arms, every now and then bouncing just a little higher as he shifted or moved her a bit. After a couple of minutes, the extra little bounce in his step would elicit a small gasp from the little girl, and after the third or fourth one, he was sure that he had heard a slight giggle.

The first time he heard it, he wasn't sure if his ears had deceived him. She was still gripping his shirt quite hard, though she appeared to be slowly releasing it. He bounced again and couldn't miss the high, rippling sound of the little girl's giggle. He did it again and her giggle rang out around her thumb as her head lifted slightly. He gazed into her gray eyes as they narrowed slightly and smiled before her lips moved as he bounced again, her smile following her eyes as her gentle, melodic giggle tickled his ears as he smiled at her. As he smiled, he watched as her eyes sparkled at his and her smile brightened at the sight of his.

"You're being silly..." He said as he bounced again, finally breaking the shy giggle into a full laugh as he bounced again and again, reveling in the sound of her laughter as her thumb fell from her mouth.

"I'm not silly... you're silly..." She said as he bounced again, listening to her laugh once more. Derek stopped for a moment as she watched him, her eyes following his as he gave her a sad smile. "Did you do that to see my teeth again?" She asked, remembering what he had said to her earlier.

"No..." He said as he shook his head gently. "I did it because I like to hear pretty sounds... and your laugh is very pretty."

"Ha ha..." She said as she pretended to laugh.

"Not that laugh... silly..." He shook his head as he bounced her, listening to her real laugh as it danced off her lips. "That one..." He said as she giggled, covering her mouth with her hand as she watched Derek for a moment, leaning forward to rest her head on his shoulder once more as he held her tightly.

Derek sighed slightly as he walked with Zoey, bouncing her now and again as she giggled. He turned toward the newsstand store and walked inside. He turned his head and watched the security guard for a moment as he innocently perused the racks of objects. Zoey lifted her head and looked at the stuffed animals in the racks on the wall and Derek lifted a little pink bear. "He's pink." She pointed out.

"He is..." Derek nodded. "Wouldn't that make it a 'she'?" Derek asked as he realized he was talking to a child, he watched her shrug as she reached for it. "Do you want me to get it for you?" Derek asked as the little girl nodded her head. "Are you sure?" He asked as she nodded her head harder and Derek handed her the bear as they neared the counter.

"I'm going to name her Mister Derek." She said as she nodded her head, holding the bear at arms length, glancing to Derek as she wiped her tear streaked face with her sleeve.

"I thought my name was Mister Derek..."

"Um..." She said as she poked her chin and looked between Derek and the bear and back to Derek. "Um... no... her name is Mister Derek... you can pick a new name."

Derek chuckled at her logic, watching as she smiled proudly at her answer because of his reaction. "A new name, huh?" He asked as she nodded at him. "How about just Derek..." He asked with a shrug.

"Mm..." She said as she poked her chin again, watching his kind eyes as he tilted his head. "Mmmokay..." She nodded as she leaned forward into his shoulder and cuddled her new found bear friend, as Derek walked to the counter to pay for it.

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