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November 20th. (A month and three weeks since the last update)

"DD!" Zoey's voice echoed through the room as she twirled in circles. "DD, DD, DD!" She exclaimed.

Derek walked around the corner quickly to find the little girl dressed in a pair of blue jean overalls and a pink shirt with little red flowers. She had a ribbon in her hand and she was twirling in circles as she watched the ribbon fly from her fingertips. "What on earth are you doing?" He asked as he stepped into the room and grabbed her, lifting her into the air as she squealed in delight, her giggle vibrating gently as she laughed a hearty laugh.

"I'm waiting for you!" She laughed as he twirled her around, watching the ribbon dance in the air as he twirled her.

"You're going to make yourself sick!" He laughed as he flopped her body down on the bed and watched her bounce a little, her giggle was happy sounding as he flopped down beside her. She was wearing a pair of pink socks with little white hearts, the front hanging slightly off as he reached down and pulled at the top of the sock. "Who in the world dressed you this morning?" He laughed. "You're mixing flowers with hearts... you're all confused!" He exclaimed.

"I dressed me!" She said with a smile as she rolled over and landed on Derek's chest. She held up the ribbon and watched him scrunch his nose as she tickled it. "Hehe..." She giggled as she watched him rub his nose. "Don't I look cute?"

"Adorable." He said with a laugh.

"I'd look cuter with the ribbons in my hair." She said as she tickled his nose again.

He reached his hand up and grabbed the ribbons from her hand as she opened her mouth wide and released a loud, hearty laugh as he tickled her until she rolled off him onto the bed. "Don't tickle me!" She squeaked as she reached her hands over and tickled Derek's ribs as he pretended to try to get away from her.

"No!" He exclaimed with a laugh as he rolled right off the bed onto the floor, the sound of the doorbell stopping their horseplay for a moment as his eyes widened. "Oh my goodness... who could that be?"

"The mailman?"

"The mailman?" Derek laughed. "Why would the mailman ring the doorbell...?" Derek asked as he sat up a little and pulled himself up.

"I dunno... it was just a guess..." She shrugged.

"You stay here... I'll be right back...and we'll do the braiding and the ribbon in the hair thing..."

"But what if whoever it is wants you to leave? Are you going to leave me here all alone?"

"Have I ever left you here all alone?"


"Then I don't think I'm going to start now..." Derek said as he stuck his tongue out at her as she giggled and stuck her tongue out at him. He raised his eyebrows as her tongue slipped back into her mouth and she giggled.

"Sorry." She giggled.

Derek disappeared out the door as he walked down the steps quickly. He didn't bother to look into the peephole, but when he opened the door he was certainly surprised to see who was standing on the other side. "Sarah!" Derek said as he pushed his way out onto the porch, closing the door behind him as he smiled at his niece. "Morgan, baby..." He said as the baby held her arms out to Derek as he lifted her into his arms.

"Uncle Derek!" The little girl from behind her mother squealed as she jumped up and down.

"Sammy!" Derek exclaimed as he lifted her into his arms and kissed her cheek as she kissed his back. "It's so great to see you..." He said with a smile as he stood in front of the door.

"What are you doing here?" He asked as he lifted the baby into her mother's arms and lifted Sammy to the ground.

"What, we're not allowed into your house?" Sarah asked as she looked around. "This house is absolutely gorgeous..." She said as she looked at the wood on the door around her brother as he tried to block her access.

"No." He shook his head. "I mean... I mean, yeah... yeah you can come in... but what are you doing here? Where's the rest of the family and um... I didn't think you were coming until Wednesday... it's only Monday... Thanksgiving is on Thursday and you're... you're here... you're here now with two... with your two..."

"Derek... are you alright? It's cold out here... why don't we go in and talk, you can give us a tour of your house... aren't we allowed to visit you a little early? Nancy and I figured that you didn't have..."

"Nancy isn't coming early, is she?" Derek asked as he put his hand on his sister's shoulder as she tilted her head in confusion.

"No, only me... we wrote out a list of groceries and stuff... and I figured I would get here a little early... shop for plates and silverware, which I'm sure you don't have enough of for all of us... maybe a new dining room table or some tray tables or something. Are you alright? Are you trying to hide something, Derek?"

"No." He said quickly. "I have a table." Derek said as he swallowed. "Sarah... you..."

"Why do you have ribbons in your hand?"

"Huh?" Derek asked as he looked down at the two pink ribbons in his hand. His eyes flashed to the door. "They're..."

"DD?" A small voice came from behind Derek as the door opened slowly and a little face poked around the corner. "What are you doing out on the porch?" She asked as she looked up at the woman at the door and her eyes flashed to the baby in her arms and the little girl with them, who looked just about her age. "Hi." She said as she smiled.

"I'll be right in, sweetheart." Derek said as he reached behind him and touched the top of her head as she glanced to his sister again.

"Okay..." She said softly and shyly as she closed the door.

Derek glanced to his sister to see a look of complete and utter shock on her face. "Derek?"

The door opened again and Zoey popped her head out one more time. "DD?" She whispered as Derek turned his head to the little girl. "I'll take my ribbons." She said as she held her hand out.

"Why don't we go inside?" Derek said as he turned toward Zoey and she nodded as she watched the new people cautiously. She grasped Derek's hand as he turned his head to his sister. "Are you coming inside, or are you going to stand there gaping at the door?" He asked as she swallowed and grasped Sammy's hand as she walked in after Derek. "Zoey... this is my sister Sarah..." Derek said as he turned around. "This is my niece Morgan... and that over there is Sammy...she's just about your age." Derek smiled. "Ladies... I would like you to meet Zoey." He said with a smile. "She's my..."

"Little girl." Zoey smiled as she tugged Derek's hand. "Ribbons, DD." She said as she held them up to him. "Ribbons, ribbons, ribbons!" She said as she hopped up and down.

"Yes... Ribbons..." Derek said as he walked down the hallway with Zoey. "Go get your brush and the rubber bands and we'll do this thing right."

"Okay!" Zoey said as she ran quickly toward the stairs.

"Walk, please..." Derek called after her.

"Sorry." She said as her pace slowed for a moment, only to be heard pounding quickly up the stairs.

Derek turned to Sammy and smiled. "You can go on upstairs too, if you'd like... There are tons of toys up there. I'm sure if you introduced yourself to Zoey, she'd let you play with them." He said as Sammy grinned and took off running toward the stairs. "Sammy... no running..." He said calling after the little dark haired girl as she slowed for a moment and then ran up the stairs just as fast as Zoey had. Derek turned to his sister and smirked. "Don't they ever just walk?" He asked as he smiled as she continued to stare at him in a stunned silence.

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