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Zoey's feet moved almost as fast as her mouth as she babbled on about her first day of school. Derek held her hand as they walked down the street, her tiny feet skipping as she looked up at Derek excitedly. She told him about all of the people that she had met, all of the things they had done. Derek smiled down at the wriggling little girl as they entered the hospital doors. She pulled her hand from his and ran toward the elevator.

"Zoey, don't run please..." Derek called after her as he picked up his pace and caught up to her as she slammed her hand down on the button to take them up to the correct floor. The doors opened and she turned to look up at Derek as she grinned and they both walked into the elevator.

"I decided I am going to call you 'DD' like you said when you went to my school this morning... I thought it sounded a lot easier to say than to say Just Derek... besides, people look at me funny when I call you Just Derek... They don't believe it's your real name." Zoey babbled on as Derek nodded, knowing he wouldn't be able to get a word in edgewise, so to attempt it would be futile. "Can I call you that? Can I call you that, Just Derek?"

"That'll be fine..." Derek nodded, listening to the little girl as her eyes looked up at his and she smiled, her tiny giggle lifting his heart as he watched the elevator door open. Before she could run out into the hallway, he grabbed her hand. "You need to hold my hand when we're on this floor..." He said softly as he watched her look up at him questioningly. "Just trust me on this... okay?" He said as he smiled at her.

"Okay..." She nodded as she walked down the hallway with him toward Meredith's room. They followed the hall to the room and Derek pushed on the handle. As soon as the door opened, she hopped across the threshold and released Derek's hand.

There's my girl.

"Sleeping Beauty!" Zoey said excitedly as she climbed onto the bed and sat beside Meredith.

"You don't waste any time, do you?" Derek asked with a chuckle as he entered the room and watched the little girl.

She doesn't have to waste any time, she's my baby.

Derek watched as she began to talk, her smile lighting up her face as she spoke, her voice high pitched and happy as she spoke. He turned his head as the door opened and Mark popped his head in. "Hey." Derek said as he smiled softly.

"She survived..." Mark said as Zoey's eyes lit up at the sight of Mark.

What? Does he have sonar or something...

"Mister Mark! Mister Mark! You have to come over here..." She said, waving her hand to him as she looked down at Meredith. "I'm telling Sleeping Beauty about my day, you can hear too..."

"Is this really healthy?" Mark asked as he stepped into the room, nodding toward Meredith.

Okay, you can leave now.

"It's fine." Derek said as he scowled slightly at Mark.

"Stop talking to DD and get over here!" Zoey said, waving more frantically.

"DD?" Mark asked, his eyebrows raised, as he stepped into the room toward the bed, as Zoey continued her story.

"Designated Derek..." Derek replied with a smirk as Mark continued to give him a suspicious look. "What?"

"DD?" Mark asked. "As in you're her 'daddy'?" He whispered as Zoey's head snapped up to look at the two men.

Mark... seriously... shut up.


"Mark..." Derek said in a soft voice.

"What's that mean?"

"We can talk about it later, sweetheart..." Derek said, suddenly realizing the implications of his 'change' in name. Mark gave him an expectant look as Zoey refused to take her attention off Derek.

"No..." She shook her head. "Mister Mark said that you..."

Mark suddenly looked to his belt loop as his pager sounded. "Hey, I have to go... I'll see you guys later... I'm glad you had a good time on your first day at school, Zoey!" Mark said as he started to walk toward the door.

If I could get up off this bed and chase you down, I so would...

"Mark..." Derek stated as he stood up.

"Sorry, Derek... I have to go..." Mark said as he disappeared out the door.


Derek watched the door close behind his friend as he swallowed hard.

"DD?" A tiny voice squeaked as Derek's head slowly turned, his eyes falling on the expectant gaze of the little girl.


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