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y/n: morning starboy

mason: morning mrs mount

y/n: cheeky, what u doing today?

mason: supposed to be going somewhere with ben and dec but bens rlly getting on my last nerve, he's so fucking grumpy!

y/n: chill your beans, he was probably on his period *you say sarcastically*

mason: watch it you *he scruffs up your hair as he kisses your cheek and jumps out of bed*

y/n: you're actually going out with ben then? hm

mason: i have to, or training will be awkward innit

y/n: I mean...fair enough, but you guys are together 24/7, maybe you need a break from each other?

mason: it's not even that, he's just not polite enough to fans, like he literally beeped them to move out the way and ignored them all? fuck sake, makes me look like a right old knob!

y/n: of course it doesn't, if people truly are your fans, they'll understand that it was Ben driving and not you and the fact you cannot control what he does!!!

mason: alright miss clever, thanks for teaching me a life lesson, I'll take it on board *he winks*

y/n: mason go away now *you roll your eyes at him*

mason: you know you love me *he blows a kiss*

y/n: that's debatable

mason: oi mrs, you better not get all salty with me *he jumps on the bed and wrestles you and then tickles you*

y/n: m-m-ason stoppppppp you're tickling me too much!!!!!

mason: seeeee

y/n: ok ok ill keep my mouth shut now...gosh *you giggle*

mason: that's a good girl

y/n: a good what??????

mason: didn't say anything *he smirks*

y/n: mhmm

mason: see, proved myself correct. I saw that smirk on your face!!! You enjoyed it *he bites his lip*

y/n: enough *you try to change the subject* go shower!!!!

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